
Current status of countermeasures for infectious diseases and resistant microbes in the field of urology.

A worldwide increase in antimicrobial-resistant microbes due to the improper use of antimicrobial agents, along with a lack of progress in developing new antimicrobials, is becoming a societal problem.

Rapid Growth and Metabolism of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli in Relation to Urine Composition.

SUMMARYUropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC) strains cause a majority of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Since UPEC strains can become antibiotic resistant, adjunct or alternate therapies are urgently needed.

Systematic review: bacterial colonisation of conduits and neobladders-when to test, watch, and treat.

Urinary diversion procedures frequently result in bacterial colonisation. There is an increased incidence of developing urinary tract infections (UTIs) in this patient population. Current guidelines, however, recommend against treating this colonisation.

A case of cavernosal abscess after neglected penile fracture and bacteremia.

Penile abscess is a urological entity rarely described in the literature. It has been associated with injection therapy for erectile dysfunction, penile instrumentation, trauma and priapism. Identified risk factors include immunosuppresion and pre-existing local or distant infection.

Predictive risk factors of urinary tract infection following flexible ureteroscopy despite preoperative precautions to avoid infectious complications.

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is a common complication after flexible ureteroscopy (fURS) despite technical precautions to avoid infectious complications. The aim was to investigate incidence and predictive risk factors of UTI following fURS procedure.

Factors associated with multidrug-resistant bacteria in a cohort of patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria who underwent urological surgery.

Although the factors associated to bacterial resistance in patients with asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) have been studied in pregnant, fertile age women, patients with spinal cord injury, and those with urogynecological disorders, nothing is known about the factors associated with multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria in patients with ASB and planned urological procedures.

Infections in the Elderly Critically-Ill Patients.

Infections are leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the advanced aged. Various factors including immunosenescens, comorbid chronic diseases, and alterations in normal physiological organ functions may modify the frequency and severity of infections in elderly patients.

Associated measures to antibiotic prophylaxis in urology.

Urinary tract infections are amongst the most frequent nosocomial infections followed by surgical site infections (SSI). Antibiotic prophylaxis is only one way to reduce the risk of post-operative infection.

Phenotypic screening for quinolone resistance in Escherichia coli.

Recent studies show that rectal colonization with low-level ciprofloxacin-resistant Escherichia coli (ciprofloxacin minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) above the epidemiological cutoff point, but below the clinical breakpoint for resistance), i.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings of Penile Abscess.

A 72-year-old man presented with pain and swelling in the penis, indicating penile infection or abscess. An ultrasound was performed but unable to lead to a diagnosis of abscess. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) was strongly suggestive of penile abscess.

In vitro efficacy of phytotherapeutics suggested for prevention and therapy of urinary tract infections.

To analyse the therapeutic efficacy of various phytotherapeutics and their antimicrobial compounds with regard to strain specificity and dose dependence.

A representative strain collection of 40 uropathogenic bacteria isolated from complicated and uncomplicated urinary tract infection was subjected to various virulence assays (bacterial growth, mannose-sensitive agglutination, and motility) to determine the therapeutic impact of various compounds with antimicrobial activity.

Incidence and microbiology of post-operative infections after radical cystectomy and ureteral stent removal; a retrospective cohort study.

Post-operative infections are frequent after radical cystectomy with urinary diversion surgery (UDS). Reduction of post-operative infections necessitates appropriate peri-operative antimicrobial prophylaxis targeting causative bacteria.

Clinical Practice Guideline for the Management of Asymptomatic Bacteriuria: 2019 Update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America

Asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB) is a common finding in many populations, including healthy women and persons with underlying urologic abnormalities. The 2005 guideline from the Infectious Diseases Society of America recommended that ASB should be screened for and treated only in pregnant women or in an individual prior to undergoing invasive urologic procedures.

Prevention of Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) in a Surgical Urology Ward: Observational Study-Analysis of the Problem and Strategies for Implementation - Beyond the Abstract

Infections related to healthcare (IRAS) are a potentially severe complication to patients receiving health care and leads to higher health costs and has negative consequences concerning morbidity and mortality. When infection does appear, antibiotic treatment must be prescribed as early as possible. The highest success rates are associated with the design of individual patient profiles. 

Prevention of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) in a surgical urology ward: observational study-analysis of the problem and strategies for implementation.

Our purpose is to present the results of our working group, with a view to reduce the incidence and improve the management of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) in a urology ward.

The study consists on an observational database designed with the view to analyse the incidence and characteristics of HAIs in Urology.

Risk factors for infectious complications following transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy.

To explore risk factors of infectious complications following transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy (TRUSPB).

We retrospectively analyzed 1,203 patients with suspected prostate cancer who underwent TRUSPB at our center between December 2012 and December 2016.

In vitro Effects of a Novel Coating Agent on Bacterial Biofilm Development on Ureteral Stents.

Ureteral stenting is a widely used method for non-invasive urinary drainage in ureteral obstruction. However, biofilm development due to transient bacteriuria can cause severe complications such as incrustation with subsequent obstruction as well as recurrent urinary tract infection.

Penile prosthesis biofilm formation and emerging therapies against them.

Infections are among the most feared and devastating complications of penile prosthesis infections, often requiring surgical exploration and explantation are prosthesis infections. While the rate of infections have decreased due to antibiotic prophylaxis, antiseptic device preparation, increased sterility in implantation techniques and device modifications, infections still occur at a rate of 1-3%.

Early detection of deep wound infection in bladder exstrophy and hypospadias using a novel intervention.

To introduce a practical technique for the early detection and prompt management of a probable bladder dehiscence (BD) and glanular dehiscence (GD) in patients with bladder exstrophy epispadias complex (BEEC) and hypospadias.

Infected penile prosthesis: literature review highlighting the status quo of prevention and management.

Erectile dysfunction affects over 50% of men 70 years and above, and penile prosthesis (PP) is its third-line treatment. Complications of PPs include infection, however, no formal guidelines exist for its management.