
Using quality improvement methods to prevent catheter-associated UTI

Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) is considered to be reasonably preventable and there is an abundance of published guidance, all of which details similar CAUTI-prevention strategies.

A prospective analysis of urinary tract infections among elderly trauma patients

Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) have been deemed "reasonably preventable" by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid, thereby eliminating reimbursement. Elderly trauma patients, however, are at high risk for developing urinary tract infections (UTIs) given their extensive comorbidities, immobilization, and environmental changes in the urine, which provide the ideal environment for bacterial overgrowth.

Dalfampridine does not increase the risk of urinary tract infections in patients with multiple sclerosis - Beyond the Abstract

The process of normal micturition is dependent on neural integration between the central and peripheral nervous systems. In diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS), impaired neural integration may lead to neurogenic bladder and lower urinary tract dysfunction.  Bladder symptoms and the need for catheterization in some patients increase the risk for urinary retention and urinary tract infection (UTI). 

Evaluation of efficacy and tolerability of cefotaxime and sulbactam versus cefepime and tazobactam in patients of urinary tract infection-a prospective comparative study - Beyond the Abstract

Treating urinary tract infection is still a major health challenge in developing countries. Cephalosporins are one of the mainstays of therapy and third generation among these are the first line agents for treatment of complicated UTIs including those of nosocomial origin.

Ultrasonography findings and blood CRP levels can predict the outcomes of VCG after the first UTI in children - Beyond the Abstract

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most frequent bacterial infections in children together with bacterial respiratory infections. Underlying diseases such as vesicoureteric reflux (VUR) also arise in some patients with UTI.

Impact of an antimicrobial stewardship intervention on urinary tract infection treatment in the ED - Abstract

STUDY OBJECTIVE: The study objective is to assess changes in treatment of uncomplicated urinary tract infections (UTIs) after implementation of recommendations based on national guidelines and local resistance rates.

Frequency of occurrence of urinary tract infection in double J stented versus non-stented renal transplant recipients - Abstract

Prophylactic ureteric stenting in renal transplant recipients prevents major surgical complications such as ureteric leak and obstruction on the one hand while, on the other hand, it is associated with complications like urinary tract infections (UTI), hematuria, stent migration, stent encrustation and forgotten stents.

Urinary tract infection following posterior lumbar fusion procedures: An ACS-NSQIP Study - Abstract

STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective review of prospectively collected data.

Emergence of Raoultella ornithinolytica on O'ahu: A case of community-acquired R. ornithinolytica urinary tract infection - Abstract

Human infection with Raoultella ornithinolytica is rare, with only ten cases having been reported previously.

Significance of procalcitonin measurement in cases with febrile condition during chemotherapy for urological cancer - Abstract

We examined the usefulness of measurement of procalcitonin (PCT) for patients, who developed febrile neutropenia during cancer chemotherapy for urological cancer.

Diagnostic accuracy of the urinalysis for urinary tract infection in infants less than 3 months of age - Abstract

BACKGROUND: The 2011 American Academy of Pediatrics urinary tract infection (UTI) guideline suggests incorporation of a positive urinalysis (UA) into the definition of UTI.

Incidence, admission rates, and economic burden of pediatric emergency department visits for urinary tract infection: Data from the Nationwide Emergency Department Sample, 2006 to 2011 - Abstract

BACKGROUND: The Emergency Department (ED) is being increasingly utilized as a pathway for management of acute conditions such as the urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Don't underestimate Fournier's gangrene: Report of 8 cases in 10 month survey - Abstract

BACKGROUND: Fourniers gangrene caused by synergic aerobic and anaerobic organism is a life threatening disorder.

Neonatal urinary tract infection may increase the risk of childhood asthma - Abstract

The aim of this population-based retrospective cohort study was to investigate the onset of urinary tract infection in newborns and the associated risks of childhood asthma.

The new world of the urinary microbiome in women - Abstract

Emerging evidence challenges the long-held paradigm that the healthy bladder is sterile.

A midstream urine collector is not a good alternative to a sterile collection method during the diagnosis of urinary tract infection - Abstract

AIM: Guidelines recommend collecting urine with suprapubic aspiration or urethral catheterisation in infants with a suspected urinary tract infection (UTI), but the invasiveness of these methods continues to drive research on new urine collection devices.

Screening urine samples for the absence of urinary tract infection using the sediMAX automated microscopy analyser - Abstract

Urinalysis culminates in a workload skew within the Clinical Microbiology laboratory.

Vitamin E as adjuvant treatment for urinary tract infection in girls with acute pyelonephritis - Abstract

INTRODUCTION: Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that functions as an antioxidant.

A case of Candida albicans fungus balls in the urinary tract appeared during the course of antifungal treatment for Candida endophthalmitis - Abstract

Fungus balls have been rarely implicated as a cause of urinary tract obstruction.

Role of uropathogenic Escherichia coli outer membrane protein T in pathogenesis of urinary tract infection - Abstract

OmpT is one of the members of the outer membrane protein family that has been identified as a virulence factor in most of the uropathogenic Escherichia coli (UPEC).