
Upcoming Events
February 9-12, 2025
The International Prostate Cancer Update (IPCU), founded in 1991, is a multi-day, CME-accredited conference focused on prostate cancer treatment updates, with international faculty providing attendees with a variety of viewpoints and how-to instruction. IPCU will offer interactive participation through lectures, panel discussions, debates, clinical trial updates, and case reports. This conference is led by expert physicians and is designed for urologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and other healthcare professionals involved in the diagnosis and treatment of prostate cancer.

Location: Vail, Colorado
at the Grand Hyatt Vail

Program coming soon.
February 13-15, 2025
The GU Cancers Symposium is designed to provide attendees with an in-depth, multidisciplinary analysis of the most timely topics in the diagnosis, treatment, and study of GU malignancies. All members of the cancer care and research community will benefit from the symposium's exploration of the latest science in the field and its clinical application.

Location: San Francisco, California
at the Moscone West Conference Center

Program coming soon.
February 25-March 1, 2025
SUFU aims to optimize the care of women, men, and children with lower urinary tract dysfunction and/or pelvic floor disorders through education, research and involvement in health care policy.

Location: Rancho Mirage, CA
at the Westin Rancho Mirage Golf Resort & Spa
February 27-March 1, 2025
The North American Robotics Urology Symposium presents updates and demonstrations on the state of robotics and technology in urology care and treatment.

Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
at the Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino
March 3-5, 2025

The American Urologic Association's Annual Advocacy Summit is an event designed to expand, strengthen and unify the voice of urology on policy matters impacting our practices and patients. The Summit will be engaging sections, urologic specialty organizations and patient advocacy organizations alike.

The dynamic conference will feature two days of in-person educational and trending policy sessions with an opportunity for attendees to earn continuing medical education credits. The event will leave participants feeling empowered and well-versed in advocating for policy matters that impact our practices, patients and the future of urology.

Location: Washington DC

March 3-5, 2025
This multi-stakeholder forum brings together researchers, industry partners, investors, and regulatory bodies under the same roof, making the event essential for any professional involved in the development of new anticancer drugs.

Professionals come together to share new data, promote collaboration and tackle challenges for accelerating the bench-to-bedside pathway to the benefit of our patients.

Location: Paris, France
Venue to be announced

Program coming soon