
Upcoming Events
May 31-June 4, 2024
Over five decades, ASCO and its members have established and advanced the field of modern clinical oncology. In many ways, the story of ASCO is the story of progress against cancer. The organization continues to work to harness rapid changes in science and technology to achieve even better outcomes for tomorrow’s patients.

ASCO offers premier scientific events for oncology professionals, patient advocates, industry representatives, and major media outlets worldwide. 

Location: Chicago, Illinois
at McCormick Place and Online
June 8-11, 2024
The SNMMI Annual Meeting is recognized as the premier educational, scientific, research, and networking event in nuclear medicine and molecular imaging. The four day event, taking place each June, provides physicians, technologists, pharmacists, laboratory professionals, and scientists with an in-depth view of the latest research and development in the field as well as providing insights into practical applications for the clinic.

Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre

June 26-29, 2024
Brought to you by the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), the congress will be the place to present impactful new data in GI oncology. The scientific sessions will be complemented with high quality educational sessions and excellent networking opportunities.

Location: Munich, Germany
at the ICM-International Congress Center of the Munich Messe
August 7-9, 2024
The annual BCAN Bladder Cancer Think Tank Meeting is the premier annual bladder cancer-specific medical meeting in North America. Since its inception in 2006, the Think Tank meeting has focused on identifying obstacles and creating solutions in bladder cancer research, and has fostered discussions to help define priorities for advancing bladder cancer research. Invited participants include urologists, oncologists, researchers, pathologists, social scientists, patient advocates and industry representatives, all who are dedicated to improving the diagnosis and treatment of bladder cancer.

Think Tank supports new ideas and collaboration among participants from the medical, research and patient communities. The goal of the Think Tank is to accelerate progress in improving the diagnosis, treatment and quality of life for people impacted by bladder cancer.

Location: San Diego, CA
Venue to be announced.
August 27-September 2, 2024
The New York Section of the AUA's 119th Annual Meeting.

Location: San Sebastian, Spain
at the Hotel Maria Cristina

September 5-7, 2024
The Mid-Atlantic Section of the AUA's 82nd Annual Meeting.

The Mid-Atlantic Section comprises the eastern portion of Pennsylvania, the southern portion of New Jersey, and the states of Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia and the District of Columbia. The northwestern border of the Pennsylvania portion is a line previously described as the southeastern border of the Northeastern Section, starting from a point 42 degrees north and 75 degrees west near the Pennsylvania-New York state line and extending southwest to a point just north and west of the city of Harrisburg, including Wilkes-Barre, and then extending directly south to the Pennsylvania-Maryland state line at 77 degrees west. The northern border of the New Jersey portion is a line extending across the state of New Jersey at 40.5 degrees north, which is north of and including Trenton, from the coast to Pennsylvania-New Jersey state line.

Location: White Sulphur Springs, WV
at the The Greenbrier