
Upcoming Events
November 7-9, 2024
Hosted by the Kidney Cancer Association (KCA), the International Kidney Cancer Symposium presents a variety of speakers from various fields and backgrounds, all coming together to discuss advances in the field, results of research, and other news in the industry.

Location: Louisville, Kentucky
at the Omni Louisville

November 7-10, 2024
Top experts in medical oncology, pathology, radiation oncology, radiology, nuclear medicine, and urology gather at the congress to offer their special insights on best practices, developments in major trials, and breakthroughs.

From 7 to 10 November 2024, the EMUC24 scientific programme will comprise in-depth lectures, practical hands-on training courses, and eye-opening multidisciplinary case discussions.

EMUC24 will identify cutting-edge therapies, examine current practices, address controversies, and review emerging technologies.

The multidisciplinary concept of EMUC congresses is made possible thanks to the solid collaboration of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO), the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO) and the European Association of Urology (EAU).

EMUC24 will collaborate with the Kidney Cancer Association (KCA), bringing in some vital knowledge about the latest on kidney cancer.

Location: Lisbon, Portugal
at the Lisbon Congress Centre

November 10-16, 2024
The New York Section of the AUA's 119th Annual Meeting.

Location: Marrakech, Morocco
at the Fairmont Royal Palm Marrakech

November 14-16, 2024
The annual meeting gathers professionals to learn, exchange ideas and to celebrate LUGPA’s over 15 years of commitment to advancing independent urology. This year’s Annual Meeting is LUGPA’s most important event - with three days of education and networking available for our constituents: urologists, advanced practice providers, administrators, managers, and healthcare industry supporters.

Location: Chicago, IL
at the Chicago Marriott Magnificent Mile Hotel
December 4-6, 2024
The Society of Urologic Oncology (SUO)'s mission is to enable qualified members primarily interested in the care of patients with malignant GU diseases to meet for the purpose of discussion, development, and implementation of ideas to improve care. The organization strives to stimulate research and teaching in urologic oncology, disseminate the principles of urologic oncology to the medical profession at large, bring urologists into a society whose work is entirely/principally in malignant disease, be the most qualified organization on matters of urologic oncology, and standardize fellowship training in urologic oncology. 

Location: Dallas, Texas
at the Sheraton Dallas Hotel

Program and meeting information to be released soon!
December 6-8, 2024
ESMO Asia is an annual congress specifically focused on multidisciplinary oncology in the Asian region. It provides a platform for participants to share and discuss the latest research findings, clinical trials, and treatment strategies in the field. The event brings together oncologists, researchers, healthcare professionals, and industry representatives from Asia and around the world.

ESMO Asia 2024 will feature scientific sessions covering a wide range of topics related to oncology, including advances in cancer research, new treatment modalities, and discussions on the management of specific types of cancer.

Location: Singapore, Republic of Singapore
at the Suntec Singapore Convention & Exhibition Centre