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- We conducted an analysis of patients diagnosed with MIBC who were either unable or unwilling to undergo curative therapy. We evaluated overall survival (OS) and cancer-specific survival (CSS) and examined their associations with various clinical variables. Additionally, we assessed emergency department visits and palliative procedures. Biographies: Felix Guerrero-Ramos, MD, PhD, FEBU, Urologist, H...
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- At the 2024 LUGPA annual meeting, Gautam Jayram discusses key updates in bladder and kidney cancer management. Topics include intermediate-risk bladder cancer, BCG-unresponsive disease, immunotherapy for muscle-invasive bladder cancer, adjuvant pembrolizumab for high-risk renal cell carcinoma, and CA9 PET imaging for kidney cancer. He also shares survey data highlighting community urology's growin...
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- Ashish Kamat speaks with Sunil Patel about a BCAN Think Tank breakout session focused on occupational and environmental risk factors in bladder cancer prevention. The discussion explores the impact of exposure to burn pits among military veterans and environmental hazards faced by firefighters, highlighting the complex mixture of potential carcinogens including polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, he...
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- Ashish Kamat speaks with Janet Kukreja about a working group session at the BCAN Think Tank, focusing on establishing excellence in community-based bladder cancer care. The discussion explores findings from a collaboration between BCAN and the Association of Cancer Care Centers, highlighting challenges faced by community practices in delivering comprehensive bladder cancer treatment. Key issues in...
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- Yair Lotan joins Zachary Klaassen to discuss the 36-month follow-up data of nadofaragene firadenovec for BCG-unresponsive bladder cancer. The phase 3 trial evaluates the long-term efficacy and safety of nadofaragene, an intravesical adenovirus vector administered every three months, in patients with carcinoma in situ and papillary disease. While initial response rates are promising, the discussion...
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- Ali Nasrallah discusses the BRAVO study (Bladder Cancer Recurrence Analysis in Veterans and Outcomes). The study examines the real-world impact of blue light cystoscopy versus white light cystoscopy in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer patients within the VA healthcare system. Using data from 1997 to 2021, the research demonstrates significantly reduced recurrence rates at three years with blue l...
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- Zachary Klaassen speaks with Sarah Psutka about cognitive resilience in bladder cancer care. Dr. Psutka explains how cancer treatment, from surgery to chemotherapy, can significantly impact cognitive function, with up to a third of patients experiencing persistent postoperative cognitive dysfunction. She emphasizes the shift from focusing solely on physical frailty to understanding patients' compl...
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- Zachary Klaassen interviews Gautier Marcq about the LEGEND trial, a phase 1/2 study of detalimogene voraplasmid (EG-70) for BCG-unresponsive non-muscle invasive bladder cancer with carcinoma in situ. Dr. Marcq discusses the trial design, which involves intravesical administration of EG-70, a non-viral gene medicine-based immunotherapy. The phase 2 study, which began in May 2023, aims to enroll 100...
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- Zachary Klaassen interviews Hiroshi Kitamura about the JCOG1019 study, examining watchful waiting versus BCG therapy in high-grade T1 bladder cancer patients with no residual tumor after second TUR. Dr. Kitamura explains the trial design and key results, highlighting that watchful waiting demonstrates non-inferiority to BCG in relapse-free survival for T1 or deeper recurrence. The study shows simi...
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- Leslie Ballas interviews Syed Hussain about histologic subtypes of bladder cancer. Dr. Hussain discusses the challenges in diagnosing and managing variant histologies, emphasizing their poor prognosis and the need for specialized research. He highlights the importance of central pathology review and the potential differences in treatment response among subtypes. Dr. Hussain advocates for focused i...