SUO 2016: Clinical implications for prostate cancer screening and treatment of men with germline mutations in BRCA and other DNA repair genes - Session Highlights

San Antonio, Texas USA ( Heather Cheng, University of Washington, discussed BRCA and other DNA-repair genes in prostate cancer. All men with metastatic prostate cancer should be offered germline genetic testing.

Family cancer history (first/second degree, age of death, cause of death) is of upmost importance which may elucidate potential genetic mutations leading to carcinogenesis ie BRCA2 mutation carriers. Penetrance is defined at high, moderate and low with high being rare but leading to cancer phenotype. Germline BRCA2 mutations are inherited and can be passed to children at 50% and confer an autosomal dominant syndrome. BRCA2 mutation carriers with prostate cancer have been shown to have more aggressive disease. If a BRCA2 mutation is identified then other family members can be screened and counseled accordingly regarding BRCA2. Screening guidelines vary regarding genetic screening highlighting the need for further research discerning the clinical applicability and in who should screening be offered. The IMPACT study assessed prostate cancer screening in BRCA1/2 families with BRCA1/2 carries the incidence and positive predictive value and rate of intermediate/high risk prostate cancer is higher among carriers versus controls with final results pending.

Presented by: Heather Cheng, University of Washington

Written By: Stephen B. Williams, MD and Ashish M. Kamat

17th Annual Meeting of the Society of Urologic Oncology - November 30 -December 2, 2016 – San Antonio, Texas USA