Precision Medicine in Prostate Cancer VL

Genetic and Genomic Testing in Prostate Cancer LUGPA 2022 Presentation - Emmanuel Antonarakis

At the 2022 Large Urology Group Practice Association (LUGPA) annual meeting, Emmanuel Antonarakis presented on Genetic and Genomic Testing in Prostate Cancer. Biography: Emmanuel Antonarakis, MD, Genitourinary Oncologist, Clark Endowed Professor of Medicine, Division of Hematology, Oncology and Transplantation, Associate Director of Translational Research, Masonic Cancer Center, The University of...

rPFS Improvement Regardless of Mutations in Biomarker Subgroups in the Phase III PROpel Trial in First-Line Therapy for Patients with mCRPC - Fred Saad

Fred Saad joins Alicia Morgans in a discussion focusing on the biomarker analysis and updated results from the Phase III PROpel trial of abiraterone and olaparib vs abiraterone and placebo as first-line therapy for patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). This updated analysis provides more detail on patients with HRR mutations in the PROpel trial. In this biomarker a...

PROCLAIM Study Reveals Impact of Germline Genetic Testing on Prostate Cancer Clinical Decisions - Neal Shore

Neal Shore shares insights from his presentation about the PROCLAIM trial - a study examining the impact of germline genetic testing on prostate cancer clinical decisions. Dr. Shore underscores the importance of expanding testing beyond traditional criteria, given the prevalence of pathogenic germline variants among both qualifying and non-qualifying patients under NCCN criteria. Notably, the tria...

Extending Prostate Genetic Awareness, Navigation and Delivery for Genetic Testing in Males of African American Decent - The EXPAND Network, 2021 PCF-Pfizer Global Health Equity Challenge Award - Veda...

Veda Giri joins Charles Ryan in a discussion on the EXPAND Network, EX tending P rostate Cancer Genetic A wareness, N avigation, and D elivery for genetic testing, and genetic awareness in males of African descent for Black men. This project is supported by the 2021 PCF-Pfizer Health Equity Challenge Award grant mechanism. Dr. Giri provides the rationale for this project stemming from statistics f...

BRCAAway - a Randomized Phase 2 Trial of Abiraterone, Olaparib, or Abiraterone + Olaparib in Patients with mCRPC with DNA Repair Defects - Maha Hussain

Maha Hussain is discussing the BRCAAway with Alicia Morgans, based upon Dr Hussain's presentation at ASCO 2022. The BRCAAway Trial is a randomized phase 2 trial of abiraterone, olaparib, or abiraterone + olaparib in patients with mCRPC with DNA repair defects either in the tumor or germline. The PARP-inhibitor olaparib is approved for mCRPC patients with deleterious germline or somatic homologous...

Integrating 177Lu-PSMA-617 in Clinical Practice - Oliver Sartor

Oliver Sartor and Alicia Morgans delve into the complexities of implementing Lutetium-177 in clinical practices, especially amid recent supply chain issues. Dr. Sartor emphasizes the importance of multidisciplinary care and effective communication between medical oncologists and radiation oncologists for successful patient management. He outlines the licensure requirements and safety protocols nec...

Incorporating Molecular Testing into Clinical Practice for Prostate Cancer - Elena Castro & Colin Pritchard

Alicia Morgans speaks with Elena Castro and Colin Pritchard about the evolving role of molecular testing in treating men with prostate cancer. The discussion centers on the challenges and opportunities presented by recent data, particularly concerning combination therapies like Abiraterone and Olaparib. Dr. Pritchard emphasizes the importance of biomarkers in targeted therapies, while also acknowl...

Fast Facts: The Importance of Genetic Testing in Prostate Cancer - Brittany Szymaniak

Brittany Szymaniak sheds light on the critical role of germline genetic testing in prostate cancer. Dr. Szymaniak emphasizes that genetic testing is not just for metastatic cases but also for high-risk, very high-risk, and even localized disease. Patients with Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry and those with a family history of various cancers, including male breast cancer, should also be considered for t...

Advancing Genetic Testing in Metastatic Prostate Cancer - Brenda Martone

Alicia Morgans and Brenda Martone delve into the critical role of germline and somatic genetic testing in managing metastatic prostate cancer. Dr. Martone emphasizes the NCCN guidelines, which recommend offering both types of testing to patients with high-risk or metastatic disease. The conversation highlights the importance of family history and the broader implications of germline mutations, not...

The Use of PARP Inhibitors in Castrate-Resistant Prostate Cancer - Elena Castro & Joaquin Mateo

Elena Castro and Joaquin Mateo join Alicia Morgans in a conversation on data related to genetic testing, PARP inhibitors, and the data we saw come out of GU ASCO with the PROpel and MAGNITUDE trials and they discuss how this data impacts the use of PARP inhibitors in castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). Drs. Castro, Mateo, and Morgans discuss this data in terms of next-generation sequencing...