Indwelling Catheters

[Applying Team Resource Management to Reduce the Urinary Catheter Usage Rate in Our Intensive Care Unit].

According to the literature, 74%-84% of patients in adult critical care units have an indwelling catheter. The majority of medical and healthcare infections are urinary tract infections, which are related to urinary catheter usage.

Early removal of indwelling urinary catheter after radical surgery for early-stage cervical cancer-A cohort study.

To evaluate the difference between early and delayed removal of indwelling urinary catheter after radical hysterectomy (RH) or radical trachelectomy (RT).

An ambispective study was conducted in early-stage cervical cancer patients who underwent RH or RT.

How common are indwelling devices in hospitalized adults? A contemporary point prevalence study in a tertiary care hospital.

Healthcare associated infections are associated with indwelling devices. Yet, data regarding prevalence of indwelling devices in noncritically ill hospitalized patients remains scant.

Adult, noncritically ill patients on general care, telemetry, and surgical floors at our quaternary care hospital were surveyed on 2 separate days.

A urinary catheter valve is non-inferior to continuous bladder drainage with respect to post-operative UTIs: a randomized controlled trial.

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common with indwelling catheter use. Our primary aim was to compare UTI rates in women sent home after surgery with continuous bladder drainage versus a urinary catheter valve.

Tolerability and safety of urotainer® polihexanide 0.02% in catheterized patients: a prospective cohort study.

In patients with indwelling bladder catheters for > 2 weeks, bacterial colonization is inevitable, leading to urinary tract infections or encrustations with subsequent catheter blockage.

Urologic Complications in Patients Receiving Indwelling Urinary Catheters During Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement.

The minimalist approach to transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR) focuses on avoiding extraneous invasive measures. Data describing the clinical impact of routine indwelling urinary catheter (IUC) in TAVR patients is limited.

Prevalence of device use and transmission based precautions in nineteen large Australian acute care public hospitals: Secondary outcomes from a national healthcare associated infection point prevalence survey.

The use of invasive devices increases the risk of healthcare associated infections (HAI). The recent national HAI point prevalence survey secondary outcomes aimed to estimate the prevalence of patients with an indwelling urinary catheter device and vascular access devices; and also identify prevalence of those managed under transmission based precautions (TBP); and those colonised or infected with a multi drug resistant organism (MDRO).

Effectiveness of silver alloy-coated silicone urinary catheters in patients with acute traumatic cervical spinal cord injury: Results of a quality improvement initiative.

Patients with acute traumatic cervical spinal cord injury (ATCSCI) have an increased risk of catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI). The effectiveness of silver alloy-coated silicone urinary catheters (SACC) in preventing CAUTI in ATCSCI is unknown and was the objective of this study.

Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection (CAUTI) in the NeuroICU: Identification of Risk Factors and Time-to-CAUTI Using a Case-Control Design.

Catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTIs) account for 25% of all hospital-acquired infections. Neuro-critically ill patients are at 2-5 times greater risk of developing CAUTI because of increased use of indwelling urinary catheters due to neurogenic urinary retention.

Use of catheter maintenance solutions by community nursing staff: an assessment.

This article discusses catheter maintenance solutions, the way they are supposed to be used and the way they actually are being used in primary and community care in the UK. It discusses the knowledge that community nursing staff have regarding these solutions and the need for further education.

Prognostic significance of early urinary catheterization after acute stroke: Secondary analyses of the international HeadPoST trial.

An indwelling urinary catheter (IUC) is often inserted to manage bladder dysfunction, but its impact on prognosis is uncertain. We aimed to determine the association of IUC use on clinical outcomes after acute stroke in the international, multi-center, cluster crossover, Head Positioning in Acute Stroke Trial (HeadPoST).

Antibiotic Prophylaxis During Catheter-Managed Postoperative Urinary Retention After Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial.

To estimate whether nitrofurantoin prophylaxis decreases the incidence of culture-documented urinary tract infection for women with catheter-managed urinary retention after pelvic reconstructive surgery.

Transvesicoscopic Politano-Leadbetter ureteral reimplantation in children with vesicoureteral reflux: A novel surgical technique.

We introduce our novel procedure for transvesicoscopic ureteral reimplantation using the Politano-Leadbetter technique (TVUR-PL). We describe the detailed surgical procedure and report operative outcomes.

Bladder injury during rectal surgery- a video vignette.

We present a case of an intraperitoneal bladder injury during laparoscopic rectal surgery for pelvic organ prolapse. Lysis of adhesions was necessary to access the pelvis. We used an ultrasonic dissector and inadvertently caused damage to the bladder dome.

Development and psychometric evaluation of the ICIQ-LTCqol: A self-report quality of life questionnaire for long-term indwelling catheter users - Abstract

AIMS: Long-term indwelling catheterisation may affect health related quality of life, but clinical assessment and monitoring of people with indwelling catheters is poorly recorded because there are no validated measures to capture these criteria.

Catheter-associated bladder pain: It's not always infection - Abstract

This article is a case study examining the diagnosis and management of bladder dysfunction and catheter-associated pain in an older woman with diabetes and a hypotonic bladder.

Urinary catheter indications in the United States: Results from a national survey of acute care hospitals - Abstract

In a survey of acute care hospitals across the United States, we found that many hospitals use indwelling urinary catheters for reasons that are not medically necessary (eg, urinary incontinence without outlet obstruction and patient/family requests).

Indwelling bladder catheterisation as part of intraoperative and postoperative care for caesarean section - Abstract

BACKGROUND: Caesarean section (CS) is the most common obstetric surgical procedure, with more than one-third of pregnant women having lower-segment CS.

Removal of Foley catheters in live donor kidney transplant recipients on postoperative day 1 does not increase the incidence of urine leaks, "Beyond the Abstract," by Adam Kressel, MD, Eric Siskind, MD, and Ernesto Molmenti, MD, PhD, MBA

BERKELEY, CA ( - We observed that the removal of urinary catheters within 24 hours of kidney transplantation did not increase the incidence of urine leaks as might be expected from such expeditious catheter removal.

Types of indwelling urethral catheters for short-term catheterisation in hospitalised adults - Abstract

BACKGROUND: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common hospital-acquired infection.