Beyond the Abstract - Bisphosphonate anticancer activity in prostate cancer and other genitourinary cancers, by Fred Saad, MD

BERKELEY, CA ( - Anticancer therapies have traditionally been targeted directly against cancer cell growth.

However, newer treatment strategies also target the microenvironment that supports metastatic cancer cell growth. Because the bone microenvironment can act as a metastatic niche, bone-targeted agents may be a viable anticancer therapy option.

Bisphosphonates (BPs) are the standard of care for maintaining bone health in patients with bone metastases from solid tumors, such as prostate cancer (PC), or with bone lesions from multiple myeloma.1 Bone metastases develop in 65% to 75% of patients with advanced PC and in 20% to 40% of patients with other advanced genitourinary (GU) cancers.2 Metastatic bone disease disrupts normal bone homeostasis between bone resorption and bone formation, causing weakening of the skeleton.2 As a result, bone metastases often lead to skeletal-related events (SREs), including pathologic fractures, spinal cord compression, surgery to bone, radiation therapy to bone, and hypercalcemia of malignancy.2 All BPs are antiresorptive agents that block pathologic bone resorption by inducing osteoclast apoptosis. Later-generation, nitrogen-containing BPs (NBPs) also inhibit osteoclast activation and function.3,4 Therefore, BPs reduce the tumor burden in bone and interrupt the vicious cycle of increased osteolysis coupled with increased tumor growth.5

In addition to the established use of BPs for the treatment of metastatic bone disease, emerging evidence supports their anticancer activity. A potential mechanism for cancer cells metastasizing to bone is thought to occur via the “seed and soil” hypothesis.6,7 In this mechanism, circulating tumor cells (CTCs) may act as “seeds” for subsequent local and distant relapse in supportive “soil,” and the sites of future tumor growth can be the primary tumor site (tumor “self-seeding”) or distant metastases.5,7 However, CTCs often adhere to the bone marrow microenvironment to become disseminated tumor cells (DTCs) because the bone marrow microenvironment provides a secure niche for tumor cells to survive for prolonged periods of time and allows them to evade the cytotoxic effects of systemic anticancer therapy.5,8-10 Furthermore, CTCs and DTCs have been associated with an increased risk of recurrence and distant metastases in patients with PC.11-13

Rendering the bone marrow microenvironment less suitable for the growth of DTCs is a potential mechanism that may contribute to the observed anticancer activity of BPs.14 Nitrogen-containing BPs inhibit farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase, an enzyme in the mevalonate pathway required for the posttranslational modification and function of small guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases), such as ras, rho, and rac, that play a key role in cell proliferation and survival.15 As pyrophosphate analogues, BPs are integrated into an intracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) analogue that can promote cellular apoptosis directly.15 Thus, NBPs interfere with multiple cellular functions required for the bone-resorbing activity and survival of osteoclasts. These same cellular functions also may be involved in cancer cell growth,16 providing another potential mechanism of action for the observed anticancer activity of BPs. Indeed, preclinical evidence using mouse models suggests that BPs can decrease the tumor burden in bone in an osteoclast-independent manner.17 Moreover, BPs may target several steps involved in the metastatic process, including tumor cell growth, migration, adhesion to extracellular matrix, extravasation into distant tissues, angiogenesis, and avoidance of immune surveillance.5,14

Zoledronic acid (ZOL), a third-generation NBP, is currently recommended for reducing the risk of skeletal morbidity in patients with bone metastases from castration-resistant PC and other GU cancers, such as renal cell carcinoma and bladder cancer.1,18 Preclinical and emerging clinical evidence suggests a potential anticancer role for BPs, especially ZOL, in this setting.19-31 Indeed, clinical studies indicate that ZOL can normalize bone marker levels (a potential measure of skeletal disease burden),19,20,32,33 which may improve survival in patients with aggressive bone disease from prostate and other GU cancers, supporting a broader therapeutic role for ZOL in GU malignancies.

In view of its established role and safety profile in the bone metastases setting, it is likely that a potential additional anticancer benefit from ZOL may be achieved without increased toxicity for patients. Therefore, bone-directed therapies such as ZOL represent an important component in the therapeutic repertoire to prevent cancer recurrence. Ongoing studies are investigating bone-targeted agents for the prevention of bone metastases in patients with PC and other GU malignancies, and results of these studies will help refine the role of these agents.



Financial support for medical editorial assistance was provided by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation. We thank Duprane Pedaci Young, PhD, ProEd Communications, Inc., for her medical editorial assistance with this commentary.

Conflict of Interest:

Dr. Fred Saad has served as an advisor and conducted research for Novartis and Amgen.



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Written by:
Fred Saad, MD as part of Beyond the Abstract on This initiative offers a method of publishing for the professional urology community. Authors are given an opportunity to expand on the circumstances, limitations etc... of their research by referencing the published abstract.


Address for correspondence:
Fred Saad, MD
Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, Hôpital Notre-Dame,
1560 Rue Sherbrooke East, Montréal, Quebec, Canada PQ H2L 4M1
Phone: +1 514 890 8000
Facsimile: +1 514 412 7620


Bisphosphonate anticancer activity in prostate cancer and other genitourinary cancers - Abstract Prostate Cancer Section

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