ICS 2018: In-Hospital Falls Associated with Nocturnal Toileting: A Retrospective Pilot Study

Philadelphia, PA (UroToday.com)  The purpose of the presentation was to introduce a single-site retrospective study on the prevalence of falls in the inpatient population with nocturia. According to the presenter, lower urinary tract symptoms are associated with an increased risk of falls and fractures.

Data on patients with at least one fall between 1 January 2015 and 31 December 2015 were abstracted from the Hospital Incident Reporting System. A fall was defined as an unexpected event in which the patient comes to rest on the ground, the floor or lower level. Overall, 447 episodes were analyzed (Figure 1). 

UroToday ICS2018 In Hospital Falls Associated with Nocturnal Toileting Study Results
Figure 1

The study showed that the majority of falls was reported during nighttime and due to loss of balance and slipping. More than 30% of incidences were related to nighttime urination (Figure 2).

UroToday ICS2018 In Hospital Falls Associated with Nocturnal Toileting Study Results 2
Figure 2

Data suggest that the rate of falls of 1.7 incidences per 1000 is an underestimation because many in-hospital falls are not reported. Future multisite prospective studies could inform prevention interventions towards decreasing falls in hospital patients.

Presented by: Ronny Pieters, MD, Ghent University Hospital
Co-authors: Decalf V, Bower W F, Petrovic M, Eeckloo K, Everaert K

Written by: Hanna Stambakio, BS, Clinical Research Coordinator, Division of Urology, University of Pennsylvania, @PennUrology at the 2018 ICS International Continence Society Meeting - August 28 - 31, 2018 – Philadelphia, PA USA