ICS 2018: Male External Catheters: Tips of MEC Application and Use

Philadelphia, PA (UroToday.com)  Karen Spriggs, RN, Coloplast Clinical Consultant, offered a summary of male external catheters (MEC), its application, removal, and helpful tips.

MEC is known as Urisheath, condom catheter, or Texas catheter. They are characterized by the diameter, length, material, and anti-kink features. According to the speaker, choosing the correct diameter is one of the most important steps for the optimal fit, which will prevent leakage. The material is also essential. Silicone sheaths are preferred because they are comfortable to wear and can eliminate the risk of latex allergies.

Most common challenges of MEC are leakage, the risk of falling, hygiene issues, and difficult to handle. Men are advised to reduce these risks prior to application by cleaning and drying the skin on the penis, measuring for the right size, and ensuring that catheter has an anti-kink reservoir (see Figure 1). It is also crucial to properly connect Urisheath to the urine bag. The connector should fill the entire tip of MEC.
UroToday ICS2018 Male External Catheters Tips of MEC application and Use
Figure 1

Finally, Spriggs introduced new Coloplast MECs. Conveen® Optima is a new system which offers anti-leak protection, comfortable to wear, and easy to conceal. SpeediCath® Flex Coudé Pro was created for the difficult male anatomies and patients looking for softer catheter types.

Presented by: Karen Spriggs, RN, Coloplast Clinical Consultant, Continence Care

Written by: Hanna Stambakio, BS, Clinical Research Coordinator, Division of Urology, University of Pennsylvania, @PennUrology at the 2018 ICS International Continence Society Meeting - August 28 - 31, 2018 – Philadelphia, PA USA