Digital Science Press to preserve UroToday International Journal with Portico

NEW YORK, NY USA (Press Release) - December 11, 2012 - Portico is pleased to announce that Digital Science Press has entered into an agreement with Portico to preserve UroToday International Journal. Through this agreement, Digital Science Press ensures that its e-journal will be preserved and available for future scholars, researchers, and students.

“Portico is making it possible for Digital Science Press to confidently deliver long-term, reliable access of the UIJ content for future researchers and clinical urologists,” commented Gina B. Carithers, publisher, Digital Science Press. “Portico provides Digital Science Press with a practical and cost-effective solution for the UIJ.”

UroToday International Journal uniquely provides access and support free of costs for all contributing authors who participate in the submission of manuscripts to the rigorous peer-review process. This journal presents studies on critical areas of urological research and clinical practice, providing researchers and clinicians the opportunity to publish original research, case studies, and relevant review articles. 

