Department of Urology, Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport, UK.
To present a summary of the collected data on urological litigation within the UK National Health Service (NHS). Knowledge of the main areas of litigation is essential for maintaining good clinical practice as well as risk management procedures in any specialty.
Details of all claims closed with indemnity payment pertaining to the specialty of urology as practiced by urologists, general surgeons and paediatric surgeons was obtained from the NHS Litigation Authority (NHSLA) for the years since its creation in 1995 to 2009. The data was then classified and analysed.
In all, 493 cases were closed with indemnity payment with a total of £20 508 686.18 paid. The average payment per claim was £41 599.77. Most of the claims were related to non-operative events (232), followed by postoperative events (168) and intraoperative events (92). The most common reason for non-operative-related claims was failure to diagnose/treat cancer (69), perforation/organ injury (38) was the highest intraoperative-related claim and a forgotten ureteric stent (23) was the most frequent postoperative-related claim. The five most commonly implicated procedures were ureteroscopy/ureteric stenting (45), transurethral resection of the prostate (30), nephrectomy (26), vasectomy (19) and urethral catheterisation (15).
The present study once again emphasizes the importance of thorough clinical assessment, record keeping and follow-up as well as informed consent and good communication with patients. Recognising the areas of highest risk and improving practice should limit future claims.
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Osman NI, Collins GN. Are you the author?
Reference: BJU Int. 2011 Apr 11. Epub ahead of print.
doi: 10.1111/j.1464-410X.2011.10130.x
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 21481130 Prostate Cancer Section