Disparities: Social Determinants of Health VL

Urban vs Rural Bladder Cancer Mortality: 20-Year Trend Analysis - Jason Brown

Sam Chang interviews Jason Brown about research on disparities in bladder cancer mortality between urban and rural settings from 2000 to 2020. Dr. Brown presents findings showing a significant decline in bladder cancer mortality in urban areas, particularly large metropolitan centers, while rates remain unchanged in rural areas. The study uses CDC data and Joinpoint Regression analysis to identify...

Race-Conscious Medicine in Urology: Shifting from Race-Based Algorithms - Logan Galansky

Ruchika Talwar hosts Logan Galansky to discuss the transition from race-based to race-conscious medicine in clinical algorithms. Dr. Galansky discusses the importance of integrating race as a contextual factor rather than a biological proxy to improve health equity. She highlights the AHRQ report, which identifies algorithms that reduce healthcare disparities, including two related to prostate can...

Neighborhood Deprivation, Race and Ethnicity, and Prostate Cancer Outcomes Across California Health Care Systems - Isla Garraway

Isla Garraway discusses her team's study that explores how neighborhood deprivation, race, and ethnicity impact prostate cancer outcomes across California healthcare systems. Dr. Garraway highlights the significant disparities in prostate cancer incidence and outcomes, particularly among Black men and those in deprived neighborhoods. The study compares outcomes between veterans treated in the VA s...

Racial Differences in Bladder Cancer Detection Using Blue Light Cystoscopy: A Multi-Center Study - Siamak Daneshmand

Ashish Kamat welcomes Siamak (Sia) Daneshmand to discuss the nuances of blue light cystoscopy and its effectiveness across different racial groups. Dr. Daneshmand discusses his team’s research into racial differences in tumor detection rates using blue light cystoscopy. He highlights the study's analysis of detection sensitivity across different races, revealing that while blue light enhances tumo...

The Future State of Race & Ethnicity in Urology: Urology Workforce Projection from 2021-2061 - Efe Chantal Ghanney Simons & Ashley Appleton

Ruchika Talwar is joined by Ashley Appleton and Efe Chantal Ghanney-Simons, discussed the future racial and ethnic composition of the urology workforce. The discussion, based on their study "The Future State of Race Ethnicity in Urology: A Workforce Projection From 2021-2061," highlighted the slow growth of underrepresented minorities in urology compared to their increasing proportion in the gener...

Disparities and Underutilization of Aggressive Therapy in Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer: An NCDB Analysis - James Ferguson

Sam Chang is joined by James (Jed) Ferguson to explore disparities in the treatment of muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Dr. Ferguson's team delved into the National Cancer Database, revealing that a significant percentage of patients do not receive aggressive treatments post-TURBT, with factors such as age, comorbidity, race, insurance status, and treatment facility type playing crucial roles in th...

The Impact of Screening Practices for Black Men - Leanne Woods-Burnham

Samuel Washington engages with Leanne Woods-Burnham to delve into prostate cancer screening for Black men in the U.S., highlighting their discussion at the SUO conference. Dr. Woods-Burnham emphasizes the decline in localized prostate cancer detection following 2012 guideline changes and a concerning rise in metastatic diagnoses, disproportionately affecting Black men. Despite recommendations for...

Analyzing Real-World Impact of Race on ADT Mortality in Prostate Cancer - Judd Moul

Judd Moul discusses a study focusing on the mortality risk associated with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) in Black versus white patients with prostate cancer. The study, a comprehensive analysis of a large cohort, indicates that African-American ethnicity may be protective for survival in both castrate-resistant and castrate-sensitive prostate cancer. This contradicts earlier perceptions, espe...

Prostate Cancer Foundation's Guidelines for Black Men in the US - Isla Garraway

Sam Washington and Isla Garraway discuss the Prostate Cancer Foundation's new screening guidelines for prostate cancer in Black men. Dr. Garraway highlights the guidelines' development process, involving a diverse panel from various disciplines, including patient advocates, to address the unique risks Black men face regarding prostate cancer. These guidelines aim to inform Black men about their in...

Socioeconomic Disparities Drive Alarming Racial Gaps in Kidney Cancer Patient Survival Rates - Nirmish Singla

Nirmish Singla presents research on socioeconomic determinants and racial disparities in renal cell carcinoma. Dr. Singla's study, published in Urologic Oncology, explores the complex interplay of biological, socioeconomic, and cultural factors influencing race-specific outcomes in healthcare. Focusing on African American and Caucasian patients with renal cell carcinoma, the study analyzes data fr...