CRPC w/ Bone Metastases VL

Identifying the Right Patients for Treatment with Radium-223 for mCRPC - Brenda Martone

Brenda Martone and Alicia Morgans delve into the nuanced use of Radium for treating patients with metastatic CRPC (Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer). Dr. Martone emphasizes that Radium is not just for alleviating bone pain but can also address other symptoms like fatigue and loss of appetite. She notes that the drug can be used at any point in the treatment continuum, depending on patient need...

Radium-223 Plus Enzalutamide versus Enzalutamide in Patients with Progressive Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer - Neeraj Agarwal & Ben Maughan

Alicia Morgans, Neeraj Agarwal, and Ben Maughan discuss the publication of a study on a combination of enzalutamide and radium-223 that evaluated the utility of bone metabolic markers (BMM) as surrogate markers of response to radium-223 in mCRPC. Biographies: Neeraj Agarwal, MD, Clinical Research Innovation, University of Utah Health - Huntsman Cancer Institute, Salt Lake City, UT Benjamin L. Maug...

A Real-World Analysis of Pain Efficacy of Radium-223 Treatment Among Patients With Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer and Symptomatic Bone Metastases – the REASSURE Trial – Celestia Higan...

In this UroToday discussion between Alicia Morgans and Celestia (Tia) Higano, the pair discuss the REASSURE trial, a phase IV study to further evaluate the safety of radium-223 in the long-term setting. REASSURE is a real-world analysis of pain efficacy of radium-223 treatment among patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) and symptomatic bone metastases. Dr. Higano hi...

Prospective Analysis of The Effect of Germline Mutations on Outcomes for mCRPC Patients Treated With Radium-223 (PRORADIUM) – Elena Castro

Elena Castro joins Alicia Morgans to discuss the PRORADIUM study, examining the effect of germline mutations on outcomes for patients treated with radium-223. The hypothesis of this study was that patients with germline mutations in HR genes may have a potentiated response to radium-223. Regulatory approved based on data from the ALSYMPCA trial, radium-223 is an alpha-emitter that induces double-s...

Real-World Data in Second-Line Treatment Progressing mCRPC – Oliver Sartor

Oliver Sartor joins Alicia Morgans in a real-world data discussion of advanced prostate cancer beginning with highlighting a recent publication looking at outcomes related to the use of radium versus a second novel hormonal agent. The publication is entitled Real-world outcomes of second novel hormonal therapy or radium-223 following first novel hormonal therapy for mCRPC published in Future Oncol...

Real-World Safety and Effectiveness of Radium-223 in Japanese Patients with Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC) and Bone Metastasis - Beyond the Abstract

Real-World Safety and Effectiveness of Radium-223 in Japanese Patients with Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC) and Bone Metastasis: Exploratory Analysis, Based on the Results of Post-Marketing Surveillance, According to Prior Chemotherapy Status - Beyond the Abstract. Biographies: Hirotsugu Uemura, Urologist, Chief Professor, Urology Department, Kindai University, Japan Related Content: R...

Radium-223 Treatment for Metastatic Prostate Cancer - Ila Sethi

As part of this patient-centered video series of lectures on prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment, Dr Sethi presents the timing for radium-223 treatment in mCRPC. She details who qualifies as a candidate for radium 223 therapy, how it is given, the limited side effects of this treatment, that PSA is not a biomarker for treatment success and other treatment management considerations. Biography:...

The NCCN Guidelines on the Use of Radium-223 in Prostate Cancer - Tanya Dorff

In this conversation Tanya Dorff and Alicia Morgans discuss the guidance coming from the NCCN on the use of radium-223 in the metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer setting, including choosing the right patient for this drug, factors to consider, and the timing of this therapy. As lines of therapy become more complicated with many castration-resistant drugs moving to the hormone-sensitive...

Patient Assessment and Treatment Strategies for mCRPC - William Oh

William Oh joins Alicia Morgans in a discussion on the management and treatment options for patients progressing on treatment to mCRPC. Drs. Morgans and Oh discuss the challenging decisions for optimal patient selection, counseling our patients who are receiving radium, the timing of treatment, supportive management around the use of radium, and its side effects. Biographies: William K. Oh, MD, Ch...

Optimal Patient Selection for Treatment with Radium-223 in mCRPC Towards Improved Overall Survival and Improved Quality of Life - Brenda Martone

Brenda Martone and Alicia Morgans discuss the positioning of radium-223 in the treatment of patients with bone-only mCRPC. Brenda emphasizes that radium-223 is approved for symptomatic bone-only disease and that this includes many symptoms including fatigue, loss of appetite, and others that are not limited to bone-related pain. This is approved in a broad population and needs to be considered in...