Bladder Health VL

Managing Urinary Incontinence in Dementia Patients: External Collection Devices and Absorbent Products - Diane Newman

Diane Newman addresses the complexities of managing urinary incontinence in bedbound or non-mobile individuals, particularly within the elderly population. Highlighting that a complete cure is often not feasible, she focuses on management strategies to enhance quality of life. Dr. Newman introduces various external collection devices, such as condom catheters for men, which minimize infection risk...

Overcoming Environmental Barriers to Incontinence Management in Dementia Patients - Diane Newman

Diane Newman addresses managing incontinence in individuals with dementia, focusing on the unique challenges faced by this population. People with dementia often cannot recognize the need to use the restroom or how to use incontinence products correctly, leading to distress for both the individual and their caregivers. Dr. Newman suggests practical environmental adjustments to aid recognition and...

Understanding Urinary Incontinence in Older Adults: Anatomy, Types, and Risk Factors - Diane Newman

Diane Newman delves into the complexities of managing incontinence, particularly in individuals with dementia. She begins by elucidating the anatomy and function of the bladder, emphasizing its role in the urinary tract and how it is affected by neurological changes in older adults. Newman describes different types of incontinence, such as stress and urgency incontinence, explaining their causes a...

Topical Estrogen Therapy in Preventing Recurrent UTIs in Women - Rachael Sussman, Charlotte Houston with Ruchika Talwar

Charlotte Houston and Rachael Sussman discuss their recent work published in Urology Practice, focusing on the cost savings analysis of topical estrogen therapy for preventing UTIs in post-menopausal women. The research reveals significant savings—between $3,600 to $5,400 per patient annually—when using these therapies, underscoring not only their effectiveness but also their economic efficiency....

Male Pelvic Pain Treatment: Beyond the Misconception of Prostatitis - Jeannette Potts

Jeannette Potts discusses her mission to eliminate the use of the term "prostatitis" in diagnosing pelvic pain in men. Dr. Potts emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive approach to diagnosing pelvic pain, which often involves a variety of factors beyond the prostate. She criticizes the NIH prostatitis classification system, arguing that it oversimplifies and misattributes the causes of pelvic...

Strategies to Assess Pelvic Pain Without Resorting to Cystoscopy - Jeannette Potts

Diane Newman speaks with Jeannette Potts who specializes in pelvic floor disorders and pelvic pain. Dr. Potts, addressing a Latin American audience, discusses micturition-related symptoms associated with pelvic pain, emphasizing that Chronic Prostatitis/Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome (CP/CPPS) is not a diagnosis but a syndrome with various underlying causes. She stresses the importance of a comprehe...

Women in Urology and the Path Forward - Siobhan Hartigan

Diane Newman introduces Siobhán Hartigan to share her insights into the history and current state of women in urology, emphasizing the significant growth of female residents but acknowledging the persistently low percentage in practice. Highlighting challenges and disparities, such as pay gaps, underrepresentation in senior positions, and discrimination, Dr. Hartigan emphasizes the need for increa...

Breaking Free from Incontinence: A Journey to Reclaiming Confidence and Comfort - Carolyn Sampselle

Carolyn Sampselle discusses urinary incontinence, a condition affecting one in three women. She underscores the impacts of urinary incontinence, including the cost of incontinence products and the negative influence on women's physical activity and social life. Dr. Sampselle presents three strategies to reduce or prevent urine leakage: pelvic muscle strengthening, a squeeze trick, and bladder trai...

Food Insecurity Is Associated With Urge Urinary Incontinence: An Analysis of the 2005-2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey - Nitya Abraham

Ruchika Talwar interviews Nitya Abraham about her article exploring the association between food insecurity and urge urinary incontinence. Dr. Abraham shares her findings from a study involving around 14,000 participants from the 2005-2010 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES). Contrary to expectations, her team discovered that individuals reporting food insecurity were 65% mor...

In-Depth Discussion: BlueWind Implant for Overactive Bladder Treatment - A Promising Breakthrough in Urology - John Heesakkers

John Heesakkers discusses the BlueWind system's clinical trial, an innovative implant designed to treat overactive bladder. Dr. Heesakkers provides an in-depth explanation of the device's evolution, which began in the early 2000s with transcutaneous tibial nerve stimulation. He reveals that this eventually led to the creation of an implantable device in 2006 due to its convenience for patients and...