PARPi Combination Therapy Use in Clinical Practice - Ready for Prime-Time? - Maha Hussain and Fred Saad

Drs Maha Hussain and Fred Saad join Dr Alicia Morgans in a conversation on PARP combination therapy in prostate cancer and the status of its use in clinical practice. In this context, the group discusses the PROpel and the MAGNITUDE studies data and how the data can be used in clinical practice. Biographies: Maha Hussain, MD, FACP, FASCO, is the Genevieve Teuton Professor of Medicine in the Divisi...

Closing Remarks from the 2022 Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC 2022) - Silke Gillessen, Aurelius Omlin, Neal Shore, Charles Ryan & Alicia Morgans

In this discussion, Drs Silke Gillessen, Aurelius Omlin, Charles Ryan, and Neal Shore join Dr Alicia Morgans for the closing remarks, key takeaways, and 2022 meeting highlights from the Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference held in April of this year in Lugano, Switzerland. Since its conception in 2014 the meeting aims to address key areas of prostate cancer practice where there is a lack...

Systemic Treatment in the Context of Salvage Radiation and Biochemical Recurrence - Piet Ost

Piet Ost discusses the treatment nuances and challenges surrounding biochemical recurrence in prostate cancer, specifically salvage radiation and androgen deprivation therapy (ADT). Dr. Ost highlights ongoing debates about when to add ADT and its duration, pointing to varying study outcomes. He also emphasizes the importance of discussing the pros and cons of ADT with patients due to its potential...

The Conundrum of Systemic Salvage Therapy at the Time of Salvage Radiation Therapy - Brandon Mahal

Alicia Morgans sits down with Brandon Mahal to explore the complexities of using salvage systemic therapy alongside salvage radiation therapy for post-prostatectomy patients. Dr. Mahal outlines the current conundrum: whether to administer Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT) and for how long, especially for men with high PSAs post-surgery. He references multiple randomized trials that offer conflict...

Demystifying PSMA Theranostics: A Discussion on Implementing Lutetium-177 Treatment - Oliver Sartor

Alicia Morgans engages Oliver Sartor in a discussion on implementing PSMA theranostics and the challenges related to imaging and treating patients with Lutetium. With the approval of Lutetium stirring the field, Dr. Sartor clarifies the foundational role of imaging, particularly with the PSMA 11 Ga-68 scan, in the treatment process. He highlights the need for an authorized user and a particular li...

Beyond Clinical Trials: Mastering Patient Care for Lutetium-PSMA-617 Therapy - Michael Morris

Alicia Morgans speaks with Michael Morris about the practical considerations for the clinical utilization of Lutetium-PSMA-617 outside of a clinical trial setting. Dr. Morris emphasizes the necessity of a well-coordinated, multidisciplinary approach to patient care, ensuring each team member understands their role in the process, from handling patient safety checks to maintaining communication wit...

Looking Forward to the Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC) 2022 - Aurelius Omlin

Aurelius Omlin joins Alicia Morgans to highlight the upcoming Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC) that will be held on April 28th through 30th in Lugano, Switzerland. The APCCC was initiated in 2014 to address key areas of prostate cancer practice where there are uncertainties, areas where there is a lack of guidance or level-1 evidence or conflicting interpretations of the data....

The APCCC 2022 - A Hybrid Meeting April 28 - 30 - Silke Gillessen

Alicia Morgans and Silke Gillessen discuss the upcoming Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference scheduled as a hybrid meeting taking place on April 28 - 30, 2022 in Lugano, Switzerland. Clinical management of prostate cancer will be discussed including locally advanced high-risk prostate cancer, biochemical recurrence in prostate cancer, and metastatic hormone-sensitive patient treatments, w...