Mitotane Articles


  • Adrenocortical carcinoma in a young adult male with chronic urticaria: A case report and literature review.

    Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare endocrine malignancy, often with an unfavorable prognosis. Radical adrenalectomy is the gold standard of treatment of localized disease.

    We report a case of a 23-year-old male patient who presented with persistent left flank pain and urticaria for 3 months.

    Published January 12, 2020
  • Treatment of Adrenocortical Carcinoma.

    Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare malignancy with a poor prognosis. ACC is capable of secreting excess adrenocortical hormones, which can compound morbidity and compromise clinical outcomes. By the time most ACCs are diagnosed, there is usually locoregional or metastatic disease.

    Published November 3, 2019