Inhibition Articles


  • [Targeted molecular therapy and immunotherapy for prostate cancer].

    For decades, the treatment of advanced prostate cancer was mainly based on the manipulation of the androgen receptor-controlled proliferation pathway. Chemotherapy only played an additional important role with the advent of taxanes.

    Published April 24, 2020
  • How preschool executive functioning predicts several aspects of math achievement in Grades 1 and 3: A longitudinal study.

    This longitudinal study analyzes whether selected components of executive function (EF) measured during the preschool period predict several indices of math achievement in primary school. Six EF measures were assessed in a sample of 5-year-old children (N=175). The math achievement of the same children was then tested in Grades 1 and 3 using both a composite math score and three single indices of written calculation, arithmetical facts, and problem solving. Using previous results obtained from the same sample of children, a confirmatory factor analysis examining the latent EF structure in kindergarten indicated that a two-factor model provided the best fit for the data. In this model, inhibition and working memory (WM)-flexibility were separate dimensions. A full structural equation model was then used to test the hypothesis that math achievement (the composite math score and single math scores) in Grades 1 and 3 could be explained by the two EF components comprising the kindergarten model. The results indicate that the WM-flexibility component measured during the preschool period substantially predicts mathematical achievement, especially in Grade 3. The math composite scores were predicted by the WM-flexibility factor at both grade levels. In Grade 3, both problem solving and arithmetical facts were predicted by the WM-flexibility component. The results empirically support interventions that target EF as an important component of early childhood mathematics education.

    Published August 6, 2015
  • Iodine Bonded with Milk Protein Inhibits Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Development in Rats.

    There is some evidence that Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) may increase the risk of developing prostate cancer, so conducting research on effective BPH inhibitors is important.

    This research studied the inhibitory effect of Iodized Serum Milk Protein (ISMP) on BPH in rats.

    Published January 19, 2020
  • PDLIM2 suppression efficiently reduces tumor growth and invasiveness of human castration-resistant prostate cancer-like cells.

    Although PDLIM2 gene may have a context-dependent role in various human malignancies and can be a potential therapeutic target, only a limited number of in vitro studies addressed the molecular functions of PDLIM2 in prostate cancer.

    Published November 10, 2015
  • Repression of the miR-93-enhanced sensitivity of bladder carcinoma to chemotherapy involves the regulation of LASS2.

    The aberrant expression of miRNA has an important function in bladder cancer (BC). Previous studies indicate that LASS2 is involved in the development of sensitivity to chemotherapy in cancer cells.

    Published April 28, 2016