Aurora A regulates expression of AR-V7 in models of castrate resistant prostate cancer

Androgen receptor variants (AR-Vs) provide a mechanism of therapy evasion in castrate-resistant prostate cancer (CRPC), yet mechanisms of regulation remain largely unknown. Here we investigate the role of Aurora A kinase on AR-Vs in models of CRPC and show depletion of Aurora A reduces AR-V target gene expression. Importantly, knockdown of Aurora A reconfigures splicing of AR pre-mRNA to discriminately down-regulate synthesis of AR-V transcripts, including AR-V7, without effecting full-length AR mRNA; and as a consequence, AR-V-driven proliferation and survival of CRPC cells is markedly reduced. Critically, these effects are reproduced by Aurora A inhibition. We show that Aurora A levels increase in advanced disease and AURKA is an AR-V target gene demonstrating a positive feedback mechanism of androgenic signalling in CRPC. In all, our data suggests that Aurora A plays a pivotal role in regulation of AR-V7 expression and represents a new therapeutic target in CRPC.

Scientific reports. 2017 Feb 16*** epublish ***

Dominic Jones, Martin Noble, Steve R Wedge, Craig N Robson, Luke Gaughan

Northern Institute for Cancer Research, Newcastle University, Paul O'Gorman Building, Framlington Place, Newcastle upon Tyne, Ne2 4HH, UK.