Rationale and development of image-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapy post-prostatectomy: the present standard of care?

The indications for post-prostatectomy radiotherapy have evolved over the last decade, although the optimal timing, dose, and target volume remain to be well defined. The target volume is susceptible to anatomical variations with its borders interfacing with the rectum and bladder.

Image-guided intensity-modulated radiotherapy has become the gold standard for radical prostate radiotherapy. Here we review the current evidence for image-guided techniques with intensity-modulated radiotherapy to the prostate bed and describe current strategies to reduce or account for interfraction and intrafraction motion.

Cancer management and research. 2015 Nov 11*** epublish ***

Julia R Murray, Helen A McNair, David P Dearnaley

Academic Urology Unit, Institute of Cancer Research, London ; Department of Radiotherapy, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Sutton, UK. , Department of Radiotherapy, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Sutton, UK. , Academic Urology Unit, Institute of Cancer Research, London ; Department of Radiotherapy, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Sutton, UK.
