Magnetic Resonance Imaging Before Prostate Biopsy: Time to Talk

MRI directed prostate biopsy will change the cancer risk profiles of diagnosed patients, towards those requiring radical treatments. Increased costs can be balanced by improvements in the efficiency of the patient pathway.

Effective communication of imaging findings and improved urological understanding of imaging limitations will improve the quality of care for prostate cancer patients.

European urology. 2015 Aug 08 [Epub ahead of print]

Anwar R Padhani, Giuseppe Petralia, Francesco Sanguedolce

Paul Strickland Scanner Centre, Mount Vernon Cancer Centre, Middlesex, UK.  Division of Radiology, IEO - European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy. , Northampton General Hospital, NHS Trust, Northampton, UK; King's College Hospital, NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK.
