Prostate cancer increases hyaluronan in surrounding nonmalignant stroma and this response is associated with tumor growth and an unfavorable outcome - Abstract

Department of Medical Biosciences, Pathology, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden.


Our objective was to investigate whether the presence of a tumor increases hyaluronan (HA) levels in surrounding prostate tissues and whether this extratumoral HA influences tumor growth and outcome. From a series of 287 men diagnosed with prostate cancer at transurethral resection and followed up with watchful waiting, tissue microarrays were made, stained, and scored for HA. A high HA staining score in the tumor stroma or in nonmalignant prostate tissue stroma were both associated positively with higher Gleason score and larger tumor volume, and was associated with a poor outcome. HA staining score was not an independent marker for outcome (multivariate Cox, with Gleason score, tumor volume, stage, and HA variables). In an orthotopic rat prostate cancer model, hyaluronic acid synthase-1 mRNA levels and HA staining were increased in normal prostate tissue surrounding prostate cancer. Orthotopic prostate cancer growth was increased by intraprostatic injection of HA. In conclusion, cancer in the prostate apparently stimulates HA synthesis both in tumor stroma and in the surrounding normal tissue. This promoted tumor growth and was associated with an unfavorable outcome.

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Josefsson A, Adamo H, Hammarsten P, Granfors T, Stattin P, Egevad L, Engström Laurent A, Wikström P, Bergh A.   Are you the author?

Reference: Am J Pathol. 2011 Aug 17. Epub ahead of print.

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 21854754 Prostate Cancer Section