Depression related to (neo)adjuvant hormonal therapy for prostate cancer - Abstract

Department of Radiation Oncology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, The Netherlands.

We studied whether hormonal therapy, (neo)adjuvant to radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer, is related to an increase in depression and whether this is caused by the hormonal therapy itself or by the relatively poor prognosis of patients who get (neo)adjuvant hormonal therapy.

Between 2002 and 2005, 288 patients, irradiated for prostate cancer (T1-3N0M0), were studied prospectively in two clinics. In one clinic almost all patients received (neo)adjuvant androgen deprivation (Bicalutamide+Gosereline). In a second clinic hormonal therapy was prescribed mainly for high risk patients. This allowed us to separate the effects of hormonal therapy and the patient's prognosis.

During the course of hormonal therapy, depression was significantly heightened by both hormone use (p< 0.001) and poor prognosis (p< 0.01). After completion of hormonal therapy, poor prognosis continued to affect the depression score (p< 0.01). The increase was, however, small.

Depression was mildly increased in patients receiving hormonal therapy. The increase appeared to be related to both the hormone therapy itself and the high risk status of patients. High risk status, with the associated poor prognosis, had a more sustained effect on depression. The rise was statistically significant, but was too small, however, to bear clinical significance.

Written by:
van Tol-Geerdink JJ, Leer JW, van Lin EN, Schimmel EC, Stalmeier PF.   Are you the author?

Reference: Radiother Oncol. 2011 Feb;98(2):203-6.
doi: 10.1016/j.radonc.2010.12.006

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 21256610 Prostate Cancer Section