Predictors of Recurrence After Metastasis-directed Therapy in Oligorecurrent Prostate Cancer Following Radical Prostatectomy.

Metastasis-directed therapy (MDT) is performed to delay systemic treatments for oligorecurrent disease after primary prostate cancer (PCa) treatment.

The aim of this study was to identify the predictors of therapeutic response of MDT for oligorecurrent PCa.

bicentric, retrospective study, including consecutive patients who underwent MDT for oligorecurrent PCa after radical prostatectomy (RP; 2006-2020) was conducted. MDT encompassed stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT), salvage lymph node dissection (sLND), whole-pelvis/retroperitoneal radiation therapy (WP[R]RT), or metastasectomy.

ndpoints were 5-yr radiographic progression-free survival (rPFS), metastasis-free survival (MFS), palliative androgen deprivation treatment (pADT)-free survival, and overall survival (OS) together with prognostic factors for MFS following primary MDT. Survival outcomes were studied by Kaplan-Meier survival and univariable Cox regression (UVA).

A total of 211 MDT patients were included; 122 (58%) developed a secondary recurrence. Salvage lymph node dissection was performed in 119 (56%), SBRT in 48 (23%), and WP(R)RT in 31 (15%) of the cases. Two patients received sLND + SBRT and one received sLND + WPRT. Eleven (5%) patients received metastasectomies. The median follow-up since RP was 100 mo, while follow-up after MDT was 42 mo. The 5-yr rPFS, MFS, androgen deprivation treatment(-free survival, castration-resistant prostate cancer-free survival, CSS, and OS after MDT were 23%, 68%, 58%, 82%, 93%, and 87% respectively. There was a statistically significant difference between cN1 (n = 114) and cM+ (n = 97) for 5-yr MFS (83% vs 51%, p < 0.001), pADT-free survival (70% vs 49%, p = 0.014), and CSS (100% vs 86%, p = 0.019). UVA was performed to assess the risk factors (RFs) for MFS in cN1 and cM+. Alpha was set at 10%. RFs for MFS in cN1 were lower initial prostate-specific antigen (PSA) at the time of RP (hazard ratio [95% confidence interval] 0.15 [0.02-1.02], p = 0.053], pN stage at RP (2.91 [0.83-10.24], p = 0.096), nonpersisting PSA after RP (0.47 [0.19-1.12], p = 0.089), higher PSA at primary MDT (2.38 [1.07-5.24], p = 0.032), and number of positive nodes on imaging (1.65 [1.14-2.40], p < 0.01). RFs for MFS in cM+ were higher pathological Gleason score (1.86 [0.93-3.73], p = 0.078), number of lesions on imaging (0.77 [0.57-1.04], p = 0.083), and cM1b/cM1c (non-nodal metastatic recurrence; 2.62 [1.58-4.34], p < 0.001).

Following MDT, 23% of patients were free of a second recurrence at 5-yr follow-up. Moreover, cM+ patients had significantly worse outcomes in terms of MFS, pADT-free survival, and CSS. The RFs for a metastatic recurrence can be used for counseling patients, to inform prognosis, and potentially select candidates for MDT.

In this paper, we looked at the outcomes of using localized, patient-tailored treatment for imaging-detected recurrent prostate cancer in lymph nodes, bone, or viscera (maximum five recurrences on imaging). Our results showed that targeted treatment of the metastatic lesions could delay the premature use of hormone therapy.

European urology oncology. 2023 Mar 04 [Epub ahead of print]

Uros Milenkovic, Joke Kuijk, Eduard Roussel, Gaetan Devos, Thomas Van den Broeck, Henri Van Eecke, Arthur Vanderstichele, Thibault Duvillier, Lieven Verhamme, Wim Van Haute, Lieven Goeman, Charlien Berghen, Steven Joniau, Gert De Meerleer

Department of Urology, AZ Delta, Roeselare, Belgium; Department of Urology, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. Electronic address: ., Department of Urology, AZ Delta, Roeselare, Belgium., Department of Urology, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium., Department of Radiotherapy, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium., Department of Urology, AZ Delta, Roeselare, Belgium; Department of Urology, University Hospitals Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.