The Fitbit One Physical Activity Tracker in Men With Prostate Cancer: Validation Study.

Physical activity after cancer diagnosis improves quality of life and may lengthen survival. However, objective data in cancer survivors are limited and no physical activity tracker has been validated for use in this population.

The aim of this study was to validate the Fitbit One's measures of physical activity over 7 days in free-living men with localized prostate cancer.

We validated the Fitbit One against the gold-standard ActiGraph GT3X+ accelerometer in 22 prostate cancer survivors under free-living conditions for 7 days. We also compared these devices with the HJ-322U Tri-axis USB Omron pedometer and a physical activity diary. We used descriptive statistics (eg, mean, standard deviation, median, interquartile range) and boxplots to examine the distribution of average daily light, moderate, and vigorous physical activity and steps measured by each device and the diary. We used Pearson and Spearman rank correlation coefficients to compare measures of physical activity and steps between the devices and the diary.

On average, the men wore the devices for 5.8 days. The mean (SD) moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA; minutes/day) measured was 100 (48) via Fitbit, 51 (29) via ActiGraph, and 110 (78) via diary. The mean (SD) steps/day was 8724 (3535) via Fitbit, 8024 (3231) via ActiGraph, and 6399 (3476) via pedometer. Activity measures were well correlated between the Fitbit and ActiGraph: 0.85 for MPVA and 0.94 for steps (all P<.001). The Fitbit's step measurements were well correlated with the pedometer (0.67, P=.001), and the Fitbit's measure of MVPA was well correlated with self-reported activity in the diary (0.84; P<.001).

Among prostate cancer survivors, the Fitbit One's activity and step measurements were well correlated with the ActiGraph GT3X+ and Omron pedometer. However, the Fitbit One measured two times more MVPA on average compared with the ActiGraph.

JMIR cancer. 2017 Apr 18*** epublish ***

Erin L Van Blarigan, Stacey A Kenfield, Lucy Tantum, Lisa A Cadmus-Bertram, Peter R Carroll, June M Chan

Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Department of Urology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States., Department of Urology, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States., Department of Kinesiology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, United States.