Risk factors for biochemical recurrence after a tissue-ablative prostate-specific antigen <0.2 ng/mL.

A prostate-specific antigen (PSA) nadir <0.2 ng/mL is generally considered as tissue ablative and at low risk for recurrence. After attaining such a low PSA nadir, we analyzed risk factors for recurrence.

We identified patients from our institutionalized database with either D'Amico low- or intermediate-risk prostate cancer that was treated with either low-dose-rate prostate brachytherapy or external beam radiotherapy as monotherapy. We compared patients who attained a nadir <0.2 ng/mL and subsequently developed biochemical failure to patients who did not experience biochemical failure by using χ2 test and Student t test. Survival analysis was performed using the Kaplan-Meier method (log-rank test).

Of 892 patients, 560 (63%) achieved a nadir <0.2 ng/mL. Only 23 (4.1%) later developed a biochemical recurrence. The 7-year Kaplan-Meier biochemical recurrence-free survival after a PSA nadir of <0.2 ng/mL was 96%. Patients who later experienced biochemical recurrence were more likely to have Cancer of the Prostate Risk Assessment Score intermediate- or high-risk cancer: (74% vs. 40%, p < 0.001). Patients were more likely to have a diagnostic PSA >6.0 ng/mL: (66% vs. 43% p < 0.001) and have a Gleason score ≥ 3  + 4: (52% vs. 34%, p = 0.005). They were also more likely to be older (p = 0.003): mean (SD) 70.3 (6.4) vs. 66.2 (6.5) and have a time to PSA nadir that was significantly shorter (p = 0.013): mean (SD) 51.8 (29.6) vs. 65.2 (25.1).

Biochemical recurrence after attaining a PSA nadir <0.2 ng/mL is rare and more frequent in patients with intermediate risk cancer and older patients. These patients can benefit from a prolonged followup with specialized physicians.

Brachytherapy. 2018 Jun 29 [Epub]

Daniel Taussky, Carole Lambert, Nissan Meissner, Jean-Paul Bahary, Guila Delouya

Department of Radiation Oncology, Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal, Hôpital Notre-Dame, Montréal, Canada; CRCHUM-Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada. Electronic address: ., Department of Radiation Oncology, Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal, Hôpital Notre-Dame, Montréal, Canada; CRCHUM-Centre de Recherche du Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada., Department of Radiation Oncology, Centre Hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal, Hôpital Notre-Dame, Montréal, Canada.