[Infectious complications of prostate biopsy]

Prostate cancer is the second most common malignancy in men in Poland. Prostate biopsy remains the gold standard for diagnosis. Every year, the number of procedures is increasing, so knowledge of possible complications is becoming crucial. Over time, a continuous increase in infectious complications of prostate biopsy is observed, so it is important to identify risk factors and preventive methods. Antibiotic prophylaxis is mandatory for prostate biopsy. Simultaneously, complications after prostate biopsy affect as many as 90% of patients, including up to 17% of infective complications. In some patients, complications are severe and require urgent medical intervention. The risk of death from septic complications is approximately 0.1%. Significant risk factors are diabetes, older age, enlarged prostate gland and recent antibiotic exposure. Transperineal or MRI guided biopsy is associated with a significantly lower incidence of severe infectious complications.

Wiadomosci lekarskie (Warsaw, Poland : 1960). 2018 Jan [Epub]

Marcin Łykowski, Bartosz Dybowski, Sławomir Poletajew, Tomasz Piecha, Piotr Radziszewski

Klinika Urologii Ogólnej, Onkologicznej I Czynnościowej, Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Warszawa, Polska.