Combining 33 genetic variants with prostate specific antigen for prediction of prostate cancer: Longitudinal study - Abstract

Mattias Johansson, International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), 150 cours Albert Thomas, 69008 Lyon, France.

The aim of this study was to investigate if a genetic risk score including 33 common genetic variants improves prediction of prostate cancer when added to measures of PSA. We conducted a case-control study nested within NSHDC, a prospective cohort in northern Sweden. 520 cases and 988 controls matched for age and date of blood draw were identified by linkage between the regional cancer register and the NSHDC. ROC curves with AUC estimates were used as measures of prostate cancer prediction. The AUC for the genetic risk score was 64.3% (95% CI 61.4 - 67.2) and AUC for total PSA and the ratio of free to total PSA was 86.2% (95% CI 84.4 - 88.1). A model including the genetic risk score, total PSA and the ratio of free to total PSA increased the AUC to 87.2% (95% CI 85.4 - 89.0, P difference=0.002). The addition of a genetic risk score to PSA resulted in a marginal improvement in prostate cancer prediction that would not be useful for clinical risk assessment.

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Johansson M, Holmström B, Hinchliffe SR, Bergh A, Stenman UH, Hallmans G, Wiklund F, Stattin P.   Are you the author?

Reference: Int J Cancer. 2011 Feb 15. Epub ahead of print.
doi: 10.1002/ijc.25986

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 21328341 Prostate Cancer Section