Prospects for the Future of Prostate Cancer Vaccines

Cancer therapy is undergoing a revolution fueled by clinical data demonstrating that the immune system has significant anti-tumor capability. Although the main focus of this revolution currently rests upon immune checkpoint inhibitors in diseases such as melanoma, lung and bladder cancer, it was actually a therapeutic cancer vaccine in prostate cancer that provided the first data demonstrating that a modern immunotherapy, beyond cytokines, could enhance clinical outcomes.

As immunotherapy is poised to take center stage among cancer therapies, the role of cancer vaccines remains somewhat undefined in prostate cancer, though emerging data suggests that vaccines could play a crucial therapeutic role.

Expert review of vaccines. 2015 Nov 11 [Epub ahead of print]

Ravi A Madan, James L Gulley

a National Cancer Institute , Bethesda , United States. , a National Cancer Institute , Bethesda , United States.
