AUA 2013 - Poster: Neoadjuvant accelerated MVAC (AMVAC) in patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer: A multi-institutional prospectively accrued cohort

SAN DIEGO, CA USA ( - Neoadjuvant chemotherapy prior to cystectomy prolongs survival and increases the cure rate for patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer.

Adoption of this practice has been slow at both academic and community centers. Reasons cited include concern regarding extending the length of time to surgery and perceived toxicity of current neoadjuvant regimens. MVAC therapy is one cycle of chemotherapy every 4 weeks X 3 cycles = 12 weeks. AMVAC yielded higher responses with less toxicity compared with standard MVAC in the metastatic setting. We hypothesize that AMVAC x 3 cycles will yield results similar to those observed with standard MVAC over 6 weeks, instead of 12 weeks, without increasing surgery related complications.


poster AUA2013 Mehrazin AMVA bladdercancer thumb

Presented by R. Mehrazin,1 E. R. Plimack,1 A. Kutikov,1, J. Tomaszewski,1 J. H. Hoffman-Censits,2 R. Viterbo,1 R. Greenberg,1 S. Ginzburg,1 A. Corcoran,1 C. Lallas,2 E. Trabuls,2 Y-N Wong,1 S. Boorjian,3 M. Smaldone,1 R. Uzzo,1 and D. Chen1 at the American Urological Association (AUA) Annual Meeting - May 4 - 8, 2013 - San Diego Convention Center - San Diego, California USA

1Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA
2Kimmel Cancer Center at Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA
3Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN


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