Participation of the pudendal innervation in the detrusor overactivity of the detrusor and in the overactive bladder syndrome - Abstract

Servicio de Urología, Hospital Nacional de Parapléjicos, Toledo, España.


The functional symptoms of the filling phase and detrusor overactivity are two inter-related dysfunctions of the lower urinary tract. We have aimed to study the participation of the lesion of the pudendal nerve in both urinary dysfunctions.

A cross-sectional cutoff study in a series of 108 women was carried out. The study consisted in the questioning on the presence of functional symptoms of the lower urinary tract, cystomanometry and determination of peripheral pudendal nerve latency time, selective electromyography of the external anal sphincter and determination of the sacral reflex latency time.

A tendency was observed towards significance between the presence of pollakiuria amplitude of motor unit potentials (greater in presence of pollakiuria) and the presence of urgency-incontinence and time of sacral latency (greater in the presence of urge incontinence) and a significant relation between the score on the King's Health Questionnaire and peripheral pudendal nerve latency time. Regarding detrusor hyperactivity, greater sacral latency time was observed in patients with overactivity with tendency towards significance.

There is a relation between pudendal innervation alterations and presence of symptoms in the filling phase and detrusor overactivity. This relation would explain the therapeutic action of the perineal rehabilitation on these dysfunctions.

Article in English, Spanish.

Written by:
Vírseda Chamorro M, Salinas-Casado J, Zarza-Luciañez D, Méndez-Rubio S, Pelaquim H, Esteban-Fuertes M.   Are you the author?

Reference: Actas Urol Esp. 2011 Oct 14. Epub ahead of print.
doi: 10.1016/j.acuro.2011.07.011

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 22001690 Overactive Bladder (OAB) Section