Involvement of calcium regulating ion channels in contractility of human isolated urinary bladder

This study specified the role of several key calcium-operating ion channels in contraction/relaxation of human detrusor muscle as possible target for overactive bladder (OAB) treatment. Detrusor samples, obtained from 18 males (average age 61. 5 ± 5.9 years), were investigated by organ tissue bath method with following agents: diltiazem for L-type voltage-gated calcium channels; 3-fluropyridine-4-carboxylic acid (FPCA) for Orai-STIM channels; SKF 96365-hydrochloride for transient receptor potential (TRP) channels, T-type channels and Orai-STIM channels; 2- aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB) for inositol-triphosphate receptors (IP3Rs) and Orai-STIM channels. Oxybutynin and mirabegron were tested under the same conditions as controls. Mirabegron, 2-APB and FPCA exhibited the best suppressive effect on carbachol-induced detrusor contractility. As expressed by area under the contractile curve (AUCC), 2-APB, FPCA and mirabegron have similar AUCC: 1.79, 1.73, 1.73. The highest AUCC was 3.64 for diltiazem+SKF, followed by 3.21 for diltiazem, 3.16 for SKF and 2.94 for oxybutynin. The lowest median amplitude and contraction variability is for 2-APB followed by mirabegron and FPCA. There were significant differences between: 2-APB/FPCA vs.: ditiazem, diltiazem+SKF and SKF. Summary of results suggested the principal role of IP3Rs, Orai-STIM coupling and large-conductance calcium-activated potassium channels in detrusor contraction and pointed on Orai-STIM channels as possible targets for OAB pharmacotherapy.

General physiology and biophysics. 2018 Jun 29 [Epub ahead of print]

Jan Luptak, Michaela Kocmalova, Sona Franova, Juraj Sutovsky, Marian Grendar, Jan Svihra, Jan Kliment, Robert Dusenka, Martina Sutovska

Urology Clinic, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Martin University Hospital, Comenius University, Martin, Slovakia. .