Statistical validation of the shorter-Moldwin food sensitivity questionnaire for interstitial cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS) patients - Abstract

PURPOSE: AUA Guidelines suggest dietary change as first line treatment for IC/BPS.

We previously developed a validated survey instrument to determine which foods, beverages and supplements exacerbate the symptoms of this condition. The purpose of this study was to develop a shortened questionnaire that would provide an easily self-administered food-symptom history useful for clinical practice and future research investigations.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using data from our previously validated food sensitivity questionnaire, we remodeled the original, lengthy survey to an abbreviated list including the 35 most problematic comestibles. The instrument was reviewed by a panel of experts for face and content validity; tested for internal consistency, readability and clarity, and for test-retest reliability.

RESULTS: Fifty two (42%) of the 124 patients who completed a baseline questionnaire returned the second instrument one week after completing the first. Internal consistency was determined to be high (α=0.96). Forty seven patients (90.4%) indicated they were food sensitive. Test-retest reliability of the questionnaire was assessed using Spearman correlation coefficients, and ranged from moderate (ρ=0.48 for Equal) to very strong (ρ=0.90 for beer). Discrepancies between survey instruments with regard to individual comestibles occurred only 1% of the time.

CONCLUSIONS: Our short form diet history questionnaire (based upon a previously validated "long form") is a reliable newly validated instrument that will help identify comestibles associated with IC/BPS symptoms. Its brevity makes it simple to administer and useful in the dietary management of this patient population.

Written by:
Shorter B, Ackerman M, Varvara M, Moldwin RM.   Are you the author?
Department of Nutrition, LIU Post, Brookville, New York; Department of Urology, Smith Institute for Urology, New Hyde Park, New York.

Reference: J Urol. 2013 Dec 5. pii: S0022-5347(13)06013-8.
doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2013.11.055

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 24316093 Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Section