Catheterizable serous lined urinary outlet in children and adolescents: A choice when other treatments fail - Abstract

We evaluated the functional outcome of continent catheterizable outlet using the serous lined extramural tunnel technique as a continence mechanism in children and adolescents.

We retrospectively studied all patients who underwent continent catheterizable stoma using the serous lined extramural technique between May 1993 and March 2008. Patient records were reviewed for age, sex, indication for surgery, surgical details and postoperative course. All patients were evaluated for continence with emphasis on frequency of clean intermittent catheterization. Urodynamic evaluation was done for patients with leaking stoma. Stoma related complications were also recorded.

A total of 37 boys and 23 girls 3 to 18 years old underwent continent catheterizable stoma using the serous lined extramural technique. Total bladder substitution was performed in 13 patients using continent ileal W-shaped reservoir, and 47 patients underwent augmentation ileocystoplasty mounted with serous lined outlet. The outlet channel was appendix in 39 patients (65%), tapered ileal segment in 13 (21.5%) and Monti ileal tube in 8 (13.5%). After a median followup of 43 months (range 10 to 180) 55 patients (91.6%) achieved continence, with catheterization frequency of 3 to 5 times during the daytime and 1 to 2 times at night. Stoma related complications were leaking stoma in 5 patients (8.4%), stomal stenosis in 6 (10%), parastomal hernia in 2 (3.3%) and reservoir stones in 8 (13.3%). Reoperation rate was 18.3% (11 patients).

The serous lined continent outlet seems to be a durable and efficient technique for treating children with incontinence, with an acceptable complication rate.

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Elshal AM, Abol-Enein H, Sarhan O, Hafez AT, Mosbah A, Abdel-Latif M, Ghaly AM, Ghoneim MA.   Are you the author?

Reference: J Urol. 2011 Mar;185(3):1083-7.
doi: 10.1016/j.juro.2010.10.041

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 21256517 Pediatric Urology Section