Low free to total PSA ratio is not a good discriminator of chronic prostatitis and prostate cancer: An Indian experience - Abstract

Aims: To find out the utility of free to total PSA ratio in discriminating chronic prostatitis and prostate cancer.

Setting and Design: The patients visited urology clinics at Batra Hospital and Medical Research Center, New Delhi.

Background: The use of serum free to total PSA as a diagnostic tool for prostate cancer has led to early detection of prostate cancer; however, the effect of inflammation on f/t PSA ratio restricts its use in early detection of cancer.

Materials and Methods: The study was conducted in age related 101 patients which include 27 carcinoma patients (group I), 34 BPH patients (group II) and 40 chronic prostatitis patients (group III). Serum total PSA (tPSA) and free PSA (fPSA) were analyzed on Elecsys 2010. These were compared with histological reports of biopsy specimen. Other biochemistry tests were done on Randox Imola. P Value was calculated using one way ANOVA with posthoc Bonferroni analysis.

Results: Serum total PSA levels were comparable in group I and III and were higher than group II (P < 0.049). Serum fPSA in group I was not significantly different from group II and III, However, group II has higher levels than group III (P < 0.035). Difference was significant for f/t PSA ratio in group I and II (P < 0.00) and group II and III (P < 0.000).Group I and III were with comparable levels (P < 0.807).

Conclusions: f/t PSA ratio is not a good discriminator for malignancy and chronic prostatitis. This limitation of f/t PSA ratio must be taken into consideration while interpreting the results clinically.

Written by:
Thakur V, Talwar M, Singh PP.   Are you the author?
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Biochemistry Lab, New Delhi, India.

Reference: Indian J Cancer. 2014 July-September;51(3):335-337.
doi: 10.4103/0019-509X.146790

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 25494133

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