OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of Compound Xuanju Capsule on type III prostatitis.
METHODS: A total of 242 patients with type III prostatitis diagnosed by the NIH criteria were randomly divided into an experimental and a control group of equal number, the former treated with Compound Xuanju Capsule + Tamsulsosin Hydrochloride, and the latter with Quinolinone antibiotics + Tamsulsosin and Hydrochloride, both for 6 months. After treatment, we assessed the therapeutic effects based on the NIH-CPSI scores and the improvement of relevant complications.
RESULTS: All the 242 patients completed the treatment. The total effectiveness rate was 77.69% (94/121) in the experimental group, 71.56% (78/109) in those with complications. In comparison, it was only 47.10% (57/121) in the control group, 31.78% (34/107) in those with complications. Both the NIH-CPSI scores and the improvement of complications were significantly higher in the experimental than in the control group (P < 0.05).
CONCLUSION: Compound Xuanju Capsule has a good therapeutic effect on type III prostatitis.
Written by:
Peng GP, Qi DZ, Hu KQ, Liu ZY, Wang PG. Are you the author?
Department of Urology, Qingdao Jiaozhou Central Hospital, Jiaozhou, Shandong 266300, China.
Reference: Zhonghua Nan Ke Xue. 2013 Jun;19(6):551-4.
PubMed Abstract
PMID: 23862237
Article in Chinese.
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