Registered Drug Packs of Antimicrobials and Treatment Guidelines for Prostatitis: Are They in Accordance?

The aim of this study was to analyze if registered drug packs of antibiotics are in accordance with national guidelines for prostatitis treatment regard to the amount of drug units.; Methods: Croatian, UK (NICE), Australian, Spanish and Slovenian national guidelines were analyzed in this study. Results: Comparing treatment guidelines with registered drug packs resulted in perfect accordance only for drug packs registered in the UK with the NICE guidelines, where even split-pack dispensing is possible. Interestingly, when comparing drug packs registered in the UK with treatment proposed in the national guidelines of Croatia, Italy, Spain, Australia, USA and Slovenia, they matched almost perfectly. In other investigated countries, registered drug packs' national guidelines' analysis showed mismatch in 25-100% of recommendations (Italy and Slovenia, respectively). Conclusions: Mismatch between registered drug packs that are dispensed to patients and treatment guidelines may result in excess units of antimicrobials that may be misused by the patient in the future, or excess antimicrobials may become unnecessary waste, further promoting antimicrobial resistance. Greater accordance of registered drug packs of antimicrobials with treatment guidelines may lower rates of antimicrobials misuse.

Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland). 2022 Jun 22*** epublish ***

Ivan Jerkovic, Ana Seselja Perisin, Josipa Bukic, Dario Leskur, Josko Bozic, Darko Modun, Jonatan Vukovic, Doris Rusic

Department of Internal Medicine, University Hospital of Split, Spinciceva 1, 21 000 Split, Croatia., Department of Pharmacy, University of Split School of Medicine, Soltanska 2, 21 000 Split, Croatia., Department of Pathophysiology, University of Split School of Medicine, Soltanska 2, 21 000 Split, Croatia., Department of Internal Medicine, University of Split School of Medicine, Soltanska 2, 21 000 Split, Croatia.