The direction and severity of penile curvature does not have an impact on concomitant vasculogenic erectile dysfunction in patients with Peyronie's disease - Abstract

Although the association between Peyronie's disease (PD) and erectile dysfunction (ED) is well established, limited data are available correlating penile curvature and penile hemodynamic parameters.

We sought to examine this association in a cohort of PD men undergoing penile duplex Doppler ultrasound (PDDU). PD patients were retrospectively evaluated to correlate the extent and direction of penile curvature with measured vascular parameters. Demographic variables, disease characteristics and PDDU parameters were tabulated and statistically compared based on extent (≤ 45° and >45°) and direction (dorsal, ventral, lateral, ventrolateral, dorsolateral) of curvature. A total of 220 PD patients (mean age of 55.0±9.2 years) underwent PDDU at one institution from January 2008 to December 2010. Overall, 69.5% of patients were found to have vasculogenic ED (arterial insufficiency (AI): 10%; veno-occlusive dysfunction (VOD): 43.2%; AI+VOD: 16.4%). Mean curvature was similar among all PDDU groups (AI: 41.7±5.2°; VOD: 41.3±2.5°; AI+VOD: 37±4.1°; no-ED: 37.3±3°; P>0.85). No significant differences were noted in the presence or type of ED among various directions of curvature (P=0.34) or when curvatures were stratified by ≤ 45° and >45°. The direction and extent of penile curvature are not associated with altered rates of vasculogenic ED on PDDU in PD patients.

Written by:
Serefoglu EC, Trost L, Sikka SC, Hellstrom WJ.   Are you the author?
Department of Urology, Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA, USA; Department of Urology, Bagcilar Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey; Department of Urology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, USA.

Reference: Int J Impot Res. 2014 Jul 17. Epub ahead of print.
doi: 10.1038/ijir.2014.25

PubMed Abstract
PMID: 25030909 Peyronie's Section