WMSM 2012 - Three-dimensional imaging to document improvement in penile curvature deformity in patients with Peyronie's disease treated in a phase III study with collagenase clostridium histolyticum (CCH) - Session Highlights

CHICAGO, IL USA (UroToday) - For the first time, 3-D photography was used to assess the penile curvature (PC) in Peyronie’s patients.

wmsm thumbThis sub-study was part of a larger investigational phase III trial of CCH. Ten patients were enrolled in the sub-study from two U.S. sites. The VECTRA® 3-D digital photographic system. These patients received two doses of intralesional injections (0.58 mg CCH) 24-72 hours apart, in some cases receiving up to four treatment cycles, each six weeks apart. The PC deformity was photographed before each cycle of treatment and at the end of the 36 week study. Dr. Shabsigh reported using the 3-D technology for one patient for whom a 37.8% improvement in the PC deformity was documented (right lateral 3-D view: baseline 45%; EOS 28%; top 3-D view: baseline 45%, EOS 28%). "Visualizing the PC deformity from any angle, especially from the patient's point of view, enables the physician to do time-lapse correction to visually demonstrate the impact of each treatment cycle," added Dr. Shabsigh.

This technology is an impressive quantitative tool to evaluate each treatment cycle and it also serves as a visual aid to educate the patient.

Presented by Ridwan Shabsigh, MD* at the annual World Meeting on Sexual Medicine (WMSM) - August 26 - 30, 2012 - Sheraton Chicago - Chicago, Illinois USA

* Maimonides Medical Center, USA



Reported for UroToday by Karen Roberts, Medical Editor