Surgical Planning and Strategies for Peyronie's Disease.

Peyronie's disease results in penile curvature, shortening, instability, or pain upon erection-hindering sexual performance and leading to psychological distress. Despite extensive research, surgery is still the mainstay of treatment.

To present an organized description of the most common surgical techniques used in the correction of Peyronie's disease and to propose a surgical algorithm to guide management.

Using PubMed, we reviewed the published literature regarding surgical treatment of Peyronie's disease and its outcomes. We identified original articles, review articles, and editorials addressing the subject, with a focus on surgical techniques, their indications, and outcomes.

Peyronie's disease can be treated by corporoplasty or penile prosthesis implantation. Corporoplasty includes convex side-shortening procedures and concave side lengthening procedures. It is indicated when the erectile function is adequate. Shortening procedures include excisional, incisional, and plication-only techniques, and lengthening procedures include partial excision or incision followed by grafting. When refractory erectile dysfunction is present, placement of a penile prosthesis with or without further straightening maneuvers is recommended. We reviewed the indications, advantages, disadvantages, and outcomes of the available techniques and proposed a surgical algorithm to guide management.

Penile shortening procedures are usually indicated in curvatures <60°, in penises with adequate length. Partial excision/incision and grafting are indicated for curvatures >60°, hourglass or hinge deformities, and short penises, if the patient's erectile function is adequate. The presence of "borderline" erectile function and/or ventral curvature tilts the choice toward shortening procedures, and refractory erectile dysfunction is an indication for penile prosthesis placement. Peyronie's disease management remains challenging with many options available, making an accurate risk/benefit assessment of each case and meticulous patient counseling critically important. Almeida JL, Felício J, Martins FE. Surgical Planning and Strategies for Peyronie's Disease. Sex Med Rev 2020;XX:XXX-XXX.

Sexual medicine reviews. 2020 Oct 03 [Epub ahead of print]

João L Almeida, João Felício, Francisco E Martins

Hospital de Santa Maria - Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, Department of Urology, Lisboa, Portugal. Electronic address: ., Hospital de Santa Maria - Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, Department of Urology, Lisboa, Portugal.