The safety and efficacy of PDE5-inhibitors-vardenafil on treating diabetes mellitus erectile dysfunction: A protocol for systematic review and meta analysis.

Diabetic mellitus erectile dysfunction (DMED) refers to erectile dysfunction (ED) secondary to diabetes. As people's lifestyle changes and the population ages, the incidence of DMED continues to increase. Many clinical trials have proven that PDE5-inhibitors-vardenafil has a significant effect in the treatment of Diabetic mellitus erectile dysfunction. In this systematic review, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of PDE5-inhibitors-vardenafil for Diabetic mellitus erectile dysfunction.

We will search PubMed, Cochrane Library, AMED, EMbase, WorldSciNet; Nature, Science online and China Journal Full-text Database (CNKI), China Biomedical Literature CD-ROM Database (CBM), and related randomized controlled trials included in the China Resources Database. The time is limited from the construction of the library to February 2019.We will use the criteria provided by Cochrane 5.1.0 for quality assessment and risk assessment of the included studies, and use the Revman 5.3 and Stata13.0 software for meta-analysis of the effectiveness, recurrence rate, and symptom scores of Diabetic mellitus erectile dysfunction.

This systematic review will evaluate the efficacy and safety of PDE5-inhibitors-vardenafil for treating Diabetic mellitus erectile dysfunction. Because all of the data used in this systematic review and meta-analysis has been published, this review does not require ethical approval. Furthermore, all data will be analyzed anonymously during the review process Trial.

PROSPERO CRD42018095185.

Medicine. 2019 Dec [Epub]

Jia He, Xiao Li, Heng-Heng Dai, Ji-Sheng Wang, Hai-Song Li, Xiao-Jun Zhang, Ping Wang, Dong Zhang, Ling-Yan Zuo, Ning Xie, Ying Li

Department of Pharmacy., Department of Andrology, The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou, China., Department of Andrology, Dongzhimen Hospital, Dongcheng District, Hai Yun Cang on the 5th ZIP, Beijing, China., Department of Science And Education, Beijing Longfu Hospital, Being., Scientific Research Office., Department of General Medicine, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences., Department of Medical Devices Management, Beijing Dongcheng District Community Health Service Management center., Department of General Surgery, Beijing Longfu Hospital.