Testicular Cancer

Long-term Clinical Outcomes of Patients With Negative Pathology (pN0) at Primary Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection.

Patients who undergo primary retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (pRPLND) for early-stage testicular cancer and have no cancer (pN0) found in the retroperitoneum are believed to have an excellent prognosis.

First Indicator of Relapse in Testicular Cancer and Implications for Follow-up: Analysis of the Swiss Austrian German Testicular Cancer Cohort Study (SAG TCCS).

Follow-up for patients with testicular cancer should ensure early detection of relapses. Optimal schedules and minimum requirements for cross-sectional imaging are not clearly defined, and guideline recommendations differ.

Aging-related biomarkers in testicular cancer survivors after different oncologic treatments.

Testicular cancer survivors (TCS) exposed to chemotherapy have an increased expression of CDKN2A/p16INK4a and a lymphocyte phenotype associated with immunosenescence. We seek to define whether the immunosenescent phenotype is associated with chemotherapy.

The expression of programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) involves in the clinicopathologic characteristics and prognostic implications of testicular germ cell tumor (TGCT): a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Testicular germ cell tumor (TGCT) is a type of tumor with relatively lower incidence but being more prevalent in young men. The expression of programmed cell death ligand 1 (PD-L1) serves as a potential biomarker for predicting the survival outcomes of other tumors.

Incidental testicular germ cell tumor in a transgender woman: A case report.

Testicular cancer found incidentally during gender-affirming orchiectomy is infrequently reported in the literature. This report details a 27-year-old transgender woman whose testicular cancer was discovered incidentally upon routine histopathologic examination of the orchiectomy specimen.

Testicular cancer malpractice trends.

Medical and surgical advancements have been made in testicular cancer management over the past 50 years. The evolution of practice standards is expected to provide patients benefits in quality of life and oncologic outcomes, but changes in care standards can introduce potential opportunities for increased malpractice claims against providers.

Perioperative Serum MicroRNA 371a-3p and 372-3p Levels in Patients with Clinically Localized Testicular Masses.

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) show promise as blood-based tumor markers for germ cell tumors (GCTs), with miRNA-371-3p being the most studied. The marginal benefit of including other candidate miRNAs to aid with the management of testicular GCTs remains unclear.

Primary retroperitoneal lymph node dissection in testicular germ cell cancer in clinical stage IIA/B-renaissance of an established treatment?.

The guideline-recommended treatment of choice for clinical stage IIA/B testicular germ cell tumors is chemotherapy with three cycles of PEB/four cycles of PE or, alternatively, radiation for seminomas.

Cut-offs for relapse detection in men with stage I testicular germ cell tumors during active surveillance within a prospective multicentre cohort study using either raw or housekeeper normalized miR-371a-3p serum levels.

MiR-371a-3p represents a novel liquid biomarker that detects all histologies of germ-cell tumors (GCT) except teratoma. However, it is currently unclear whether miR-371a-3p results obtained directly from RT-PCR (raw Cq) or normalized for housekeeper genes and transformed into the relative quantity (RQ) value should be used and at what cut-off level.

Phosphokinases related to drug resistance in two cohorts from the cancer genome atlas (TCGA): uterine carcinoma and testicular cancer.

We aimed to find new therapeutic targets related to Cancer Stem Cell alterations in recurrent patients from two TCGA cohorts: Testicular Germ Cell Tumor (TGCT) and Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma (UCEC).

Lymph node density as a prognostic marker of relapse in patients who underwent primary retroperitoneal lymph node dissection.

Primary retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (pRPLND) is a treatment option for clinical stage (CS) II testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) and CS I with retroperitoneal relapse. Increasing raw lymph node yield during pRPLND has been associated a decreased relapse risk.

Financial distress in testicular cancer survivors and its impact on cancer survivors´ quality of life in the German health care system.

Testicular cancer accounts for the largest proportion of solid tumors in young adult men. With an average age of onset under 40 years and a relative 5-year survival of 97%, it is one of the prognostically favorable tumors.

Conventional versus high-dose salvage chemotherapy for relapsed testicular germ cell tumours.

Since the introduction of cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy, patients with metastatic germ cell tumours achieve very high cure rates of >80%. Nevertheless, about 30% of patients relapse despite guideline-endorsed first-line treatment.

Efficacy and Safety of Testosterone Replacement in Testicular Cancer Survivors With Treatment-Influenced Hypogonadism: A Systematic Review.

The objective is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of testosterone supplementation in testicular cancer survivors with treatment-related hypogonadism.

This systematic review was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) standards and used Embase, PubMed/MEDLINE, Cochrane Central, Web of Science Core Collection, Korean Journal Index, SciELO, and Global Index Medicus to obtain data in June of 2024.

Association between low total serum testosterone and body mass index in Australian survivors of testicular cancer: a retrospective analysis.

Primary hypogonadism is a recognised complication in survivors of testicular cancer. However, secondary hypogonadism can result from other causes that suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, including obesity, high dose glucocorticoids, chronic end organ failure, and diabetes.

Evaluation and Management of Testicular Cancer After Late Relapse.

A 41-year-old man presented to his primary care physician with a 1-month history of left neck adenopathy in the context of a history of nonseminomatous germ cell tumors (NSGCTs). In 2011, the patient was treated for stage IB (T2N0M0S0) right-sided NSGCTs of the testis, which were 95% embryonal and 5% yolk sac tumors.

Understanding the role of endocrine disrupting chemicals in testicular germ cell cancer: Insights into molecular mechanisms.

This comprehensive review examines the complex interplay between endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) and the development of testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs). Despite the high cure rates of TGCTs, challenges in diagnosis and treatment remain, necessitating a deeper understanding of the etiology of the disease.

Oncological treatments have limited effects on the fertility prognosis in testicular cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Testicular cancer is the most common solid tumour among young men in the reproductive phase. After completing cancer treatment, up to 77% of cancer survivors report an interest in paternity after completing cancer treatment.

Metabolic Fingerprinting of Serum and Seminal Plasma of Testicular Cancer Patients Using Raman Spectroscopy: A Pilot Study.

Testicular cancer (TC) is a relatively rare type of cancer in men. Early diagnosis of TC remains challenging. Metabolomics holds promise in offering valuable insights in this regard. In this study, a metabolic fingerprinting approach was employed to identify potential biomarkers in both serum and seminal plasma of TC patients.

Atypical Cutaneous Presentation and Diagnostic Challenges in Advanced Metastatic Testicular Cancer.

A 29-year-old male presented with acute left-sided weakness in both the upper extremity (UE) and lower extremity (LE), an atypical symptom for testicular cancer but not uncommon for brain metastasis.