SUFU 2018: Safety & Efficacy of the eCoin™ Implantable Tibial Nerve Stimulation Device for Overactive Bladder Syndrome

Austin, TX ( Dr. Scott A. MacDiarmid and colleagues presented a prospective, multicenter study of 46 patients implanted with the eCoin™ device for posterior tibial nerve stimulation for overactive bladder for a duration of 12 weeks, with outcomes evaluated at 4, 8, and 12 weeks. 

Patients had the device implanted subcutaneously over the tibial nerve using local anesthesia, with automatic treatments being delivered daily for 30 minutes.  Patients completed 3 day bladder diaries at baseline, 4, 8 and 12 weeks. The Incontinence Quality of Life instrument was used to assess patients as well. 

15 patients have completed the 4 week follow up.  The authors found that so far, there is a 75% reduction in urge incontinence episodes per day.  5 patients have completed two months of follow up, with an 85% reduction in urge incontinence episodes per day.  At 4 weeks, 69% of patients had iQoL score improvements greater than 10; 80% of patients had iQoL score improvements >10 at 2 months.  No adverse events have been reported to date.

The preliminary data in a small sample size shows promise for the efficacy of the implantable eCoin™ system for tibial nerve stimulation.  The authors admit that ongoing research and analysis of their full cohort will strengthen the data and conclusions made about this new technology.

Presented by: Scott A. MacDiarmid, MD, Alliance Urology Specialists

Co-Authors: Sharon English , Bilal Kaaki , Vince Lucente , Matthew Clark , Peter Gilling , Patrick Meffan  and Peter Sand, Alliance Urology Specialists

Written by: Cristina Palmer, DO. Female Urology, Pelvic Reconstruction, Voiding Dysfunction Fellow, Department of Urology, UC Irvine Medical Center, Orange, California at the Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine & Urogenital Reconstruction Winter Meeting (SUFU 2018), February 27-March 3, 2018, Austin, Texas