Testicular Cancer

Smoking and testicular cancer: A Danish nationwide cohort study.

Testicular cancer (TC) incidence has increased worldwide, but specific exposures of TC still need investigation. In this cohort study, we investigated the association between mothers' smoking and the risk of TC in their sons.

Oncological Outcomes Following Robotic Postchemotherapy Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection for Testicular Cancer: A Worldwide Multicenter Study - Beyond the Abstract

Post-chemotherapy retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (PC-RPLND) is a complex surgery that has traditionally been performed through an open approach. The feasibility of a robotic approach has been demonstrated in recent years, aiming to improve perioperative and functional outcomes.1 In lieu of these studies, the recent AUA guidelines suggest that the robotic approach can be offered to selected patients by expert surgeons.2 However, one of the concerns about the robotic PC-RPLND is the absence of long-term oncological outcome data. We tried to address this in a large, international, multicenter study.3

Networks of pre-diagnostic circulating RNA in testicular germ cell tumour.

Testicular germ cell tumour (TGCT) is a malignancy with known inherited risk factors, affecting young men. We have previously identified several hundred differentially abundant circulating RNAs in pre-diagnostic serum from TGCT cases compared to healthy controls.

Late Side Effects of Testicular Cancer and Treatment: A Comprehensive Review - Beyond the Abstract

In the last couple of decades, we have witnessed an increase in the incidence of cancer worldwide, particularly in Western Europe and the United States. Fortunately, this trend is accompanied by improvements in cure rates. As a result, an increasing proportion of the population is living in the survivorship phase.

The Outcomes of Onco-Testis Sperm Extraction at the Time of Radical Orchiectomy.

To evaluate outcomes of onco-testis sperm extraction (TESE) and to define potential predictors of successful surgical sperm retrieval (SSR).

For this study, we examined all men (i) diagnosed with a testicular mass, (ii) who had azoospermia, and (iii) who underwent a radical orchiectomy and onco-TESE.

The effects of regular exercise on cognitive and cardiometabolic health in testicular cancer survivors subjected to platinum-based chemotherapy.

Platinum-based chemotherapy provides curative treatment to more than 95% of patients with testicular germ cell tumor but it has negative cardiometabolic and neurological effects. Regular exercise can alleviate late chemotherapy-related toxicities.

Epidemiology and Risk Factors for Testicular Cancer: A Systematic Review - Beyond the Abstract

Testicular germ cell tumor (TGCT) incidence has steadily increased over the past several decades, even in historically low-risk regions. Northern and Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Southern Europe report the highest age-standardized rates (6–9 per 100,000 person-years).

Can Multiparametric Ultrasound Analysis Predict Malignancy in Testes? An 11-Year Single Center Experience with Testicular Masses.

Introduction/Objective: Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is a promising modality for differentiating benign and malignant lesions in various organs, including the testis. Testicular tumors, common in young men, are often treated with radical orchiectomy, which can have significant consequences.

High-Dose Chemotherapy as Initial Salvage Chemotherapy in Patients with Relapsed or Refractory Testicular Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis - Beyond the Abstract

The main objective of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the efficacy of high-dose chemotherapy (HDCT) followed by autologous hematopoietic cell transplantation (AHCT) versus conventional-dose chemotherapy (CDCT) in improving overall survival (OS) in men with relapsed or refractory germ cell tumors (GCTs). We included three studies, one randomized and two non-randomized controlled trials. Data from Mardiak´s1 and Faure-Conter´s2 studies were not used to assess the primary outcome since their risk of bias was considered critical. Thus, we made use of one study, the IT94 trial,3 for the assessment of the primary outcome.

Racial/ethnic differences in trends of testicular germ cell tumor incidence in the United States, 1992-2021.

Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) are the most common cancers among young men in the United States. Incidence rates among non-Hispanic White (NHW) men historically have been much higher than the rates among other men.