Physician Decision Making & Combination Therapies in Metastatic Prostate Cancer - Neeraj Agarwal

Neeraj Agarwal discusses a JAMA Network Open study examining physicians' reasons for or against treatment intensification in metastatic prostate cancer. The study surveys 107 US physicians managing over 600 patients, revealing significant underutilization of combination therapies despite strong evidence supporting their use. Key barriers include concerns about side effects, quality of life impact,...

VA Study Examines Use of Combination Therapies for mHSPC and Outcomes in Patients - Martin Schoen & Bruce Montgomery

Neeraj Agarwal leads a discussion with Martin Schoen and Bruce Montgomery about a study examining treatment patterns and outcomes for veterans with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer. The research reveals that VA patients demonstrate longer survival rates compared to the general U.S. population, particularly among younger patients, with combination therapy now being utilized in approxima...

Introduction to mHSPC – What Are Relevant Prognostic/Predictive Factors for the Management of Patients? "Presentation" - Matthew Smith

At the 2024 Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC), Matthew Smith presents an overview of prognostic and predictive biomarkers in metastatic castration-sensitive prostate cancer, examining established factors like disease patterns and volume while highlighting the Decipher score's prognostic value. Biographies: Matthew Smith, MD, PhD, Oncologist, Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medic...

Synchronous Low-Volume mHSPC – in Which Patients Do You Recommend Combination Systemic Therapy plus Local Treatment of the Primary and in Which Patients Is ADT Alone plus RT Enough? "Presentation" - R...

At the 2024 Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC), Robert Jones discusses the role of combination therapy in low-volume metastatic prostate cancer, examining evidence from PEACE-1 and meta-analyses that suggest potential benefits of triplet therapy (radiotherapy + ARPI + ADT) over doublet options despite not reaching statistical significance. Biographies: Robert Jones, PhD, Profess...

In Which Patients with Synchronous Low-Volume mHSPC Do You Recommend “Total Therapy”? "Presentation" - Oliver Sartor

At the 2024 Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC), Oliver Sartor discusses the management of synchronous, low-volume, metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer. The presentation analyzes data from major trials like PEACE-1 and ARASENS while addressing the benefits of prostate radiation and acknowledging the complexity of real-world treatment decisions. Biographies: Oliver Sartor...

Which Patients with mHSPC Should Get Triplet Systemic Therapy: ADT plus Docetaxel plus ARPI? "Presentation" - Nicholas James

At the 2024 Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC), Nicholas James presents an analysis of triplet therapy in prostate cancer treatment, examining evidence from the PEACE-1, ARASENS, and ENZAMET trials. Through network meta-analysis, he explores the comparative effectiveness of different treatment combinations and proposes a framework based on disease characteristics. Biographies: N...

Should the Primary be Treated in Synchronous High-Volume mHSPC? "Presentation" - Sandy Srinivas

At the 2024 Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC), Sandy Srinivas examines the role of radiation therapy to the primary tumor in metastatic prostate cancer. The presentation questions whether overall survival should be the sole metric for evaluating interventions. Biographies: Sandy Srinivas, MD, Oncologist, Professor of Medicine (Oncology), Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA Relat...

In Which Patients with Metachronous Low-Volume mHSPC Do You Recommend “Total Therapy”? "Presentation" - Thomas Zilli

At the 2024 Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC), Thomas Zilli discusses the evolving role of metastasis-directed therapy in treating metachronous low-volume or monosensitive prostate cancer, examining evidence from STOMP and ORIOLE trials that demonstrate its ability to postpone ADT use and improve outcomes with minimal toxicity. Biographies: Thomas Zilli, MD, Radiation Oncologis...

Ideal Monitoring of Patients with mHSPC – What Is Recommended in Daily Clinical Practice? "Presentation" - Michael Morris

At the 2024 Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC), Michael Morris presents a critical examination of optimal imaging standards for metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer. The presentation explores PSMA imaging's potential while acknowledging its complications such as flare phenomenon and PSMA downregulation. Biographies: Michael Morris, MD, Prostate Cancer Section Head, GU On...

Optimal Treatment Sequencing in Metastatic Prostate Cancer "Discussion"

At the 2024 Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC), a panel discussion explores key questions in metastatic prostate cancer treatment. The panel debates mechanisms behind docetaxel's apparent harm in low-volume metachronous disease while emphasizing patient-centered decision-making, acknowledging that while ADT plus ARPI represents a clear standard of care, other treatment decisions...