Bladder Cancer COE

Quality of Life in Bladder Cancer: A Comparative Study on Cystectomy vs. Bladder Preservation - Vedang Murthy

Vedang Murthy discusses his study on the quality of life in bladder cancer patients undergoing either cystectomy (surgery) or bladder preservation (chemo-radiotherapy). The study aims to fill a gap in understanding how each treatment impacts patients' quality of life, especially since recent research suggests that both treatments offer similar clinical outcomes. Surprisingly, the study found no si...

The Global Bladder Cancer Survey: A Strategic Analysis of Diagnosis and Care - Stephanie Demkiw & Lydia Makaroff

Ashish Kamat discusses the World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition's Bladder Cancer Patient and Carer Experience Survey with Stephanie Demkiw and Lydia Makaroff. The survey reveals that awareness of bladder cancer symptoms is low, with over half of the respondents unaware of the signs before diagnosis. Dr. Demkiw highlights that women are often diagnosed later than men and discusses the importance...

Global Insights into Bladder Cancer Care: A Comprehensive Survey by the World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition - Patrick Hensley & Lydia Makaroff

Ashish Kamat is joined by Pat Hensley and Lydia Makaroff, who share insights into patient experiences and treatment access. Drs. Hensley and Makaroff delve into the findings of the Global Bladder Cancer Patient and Care Experience survey, conducted by the World Bladder Cancer Patient Coalition. The survey, which garnered 1,198 respondents from diverse geographies, reveals that while 58% of patient...

Advancing Bladder Cancer Surveillance: The Impact of Flexible Blue Light Cystoscopy from the Nordic Registry - Karsten Zieger

Zach Klaassen is joined by Karsten Zieger to talk about the results of an analysis from the Nordic registry evaluating the role of flexible blue light cystoscopy in the surveillance of non-muscle invasive bladder cancer. Dr. Zieger provides a comprehensive explanation of how blue light cystoscopy works. The method utilizes a photosensitizing agent, Hexvix in Europe or Cysview® in the U.S., that al...

New Research Sheds Light on Alternative Treatments for Node-Positive Bladder Cancer - Martin Swinton

Leslie Ballas engages with Martin Swinton on his publication about bladder-sparing treatment options for clinically node-positive nonmetastatic bladder cancer. The study compares the efficacy of bladder-sparing treatment using radical dose radiotherapy to traditional radical cystectomy and finds no significant difference in overall survival rates. This supports bladder preservation as a viable alt...

A Didactic Lecture on Variant Histology for Urothelial Carcinoma - Charles Guo

Ashish Kamat welcomes Charles Guo to discuss variant histology in bladder urothelial carcinoma, which constitutes about 90% of all bladder cancers. Dr. Guo meticulously explains the WHO classification into noninvasive and invasive types, detailing distinguishing features, aggressive behaviors, and distinct genomic alterations of various subtypes like micropapillary, plasmacytoid, and small cell ca...

Device-Assisted Therapies for Bladder Cancer: History, Mechanisms, and Clinical Trials - Wei Shen Tan

Ashish Kamat and Wei Shen Tan delve into a discussion on the advances in device-assisted therapies for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer. Dr. Tan details the history, mechanisms, and clinical trials of various therapies including chemohyperthermia and electromotive drug-administrated chemotherapy (EMDA). He also highlights newer treatments such as the TAR-200 system and Jelmyto. Despite promising...

2023 BCAN Research Innovation Award - Christopher Garris

Ashish Kamat interviews Chris Garris, the 2023 Bladder Cancer Research Innovation Award recipient. Dr. Garris discusses his pioneering research project aimed at overcoming immune suppressive myeloid cell barriers in bladder cancer through immune agonism. He presents the CANDI therapeutic platform which uses IL-12-inducing drug combinations to stimulate immune responses for potentially more effecti...

A Novel Mechanism of Tumor Suppression: Unveiling Transcription-Translation Conflict - Andrew Hsieh

Andrew Hsieh highlights his team's research on a new tumor suppressor mechanism termed transcriptional-translational conflict. The research primarily focuses on ARID1A, a component of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex, which is frequently deregulated in bladder cancer. In absence of ARID1A, up-regulated oncogenic gene networks were observed, but no tumorigenesis occurred due to a conflict b...

Tumour Factors and the Variation in Non-Muscle Invasive Bladder Cancer Recurrence After Transurethral Resection Surgery Between Sites: Results from the RESECT Study - Kevin Gallagher

Zach Klaassen and Kevin Gallagher discuss the RESECT study. RESECT, a global research initiative across five continents and over 200 hospitals, aims to improve the quality of Transurethral Resection of Bladder Tumor (TURBT) surgery and reduce early recurrence rates. Funded in 2020 and launched in late 2020-early 2021, the study utilizes social media marketing and is run on a low budget. It include...