Endourology VL

Diversity in Urolithiasis Clinical Trials: Revealing Enrollment Trends - Amy Reed

Amy Reed discusses a study on diversity, equity, and inclusion in urolithiasis clinical trials over the past two decades. The research analyzes 180 trials, examining patient enrollment by race, ethnicity, and sex. Using a representation quotient, the study finds that white patients are adequately represented, Black patients are overrepresented, while Hispanic and mixed-race patients are underrepre...

HoLEP vs ThuLEP: Comparing Laser Enucleation Techniques in Prostate Surgery "Presentation" - Bruce Gao

At the World Congress of Endourology and Uro-Technology, Bruce Gao presents a case study comparing holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) and thulium fiber laser enucleation of the prostate (ThuLEP) performed on the same patient with symmetrical lateral lobes. Dr. Gao describes the surgical technique, highlighting differences between the two laser types. The left lobe undergoes HoLEP, w...

3D Slicer to Virtual Reality: Advancing Kidney Stone Surgery Visualization "Presentation" - Mariah Hernandez

At the World Congress of Endourology and Uro-Technology, Mariah Hernandez presents a study on the use of immersive virtual reality (VR) in preoperative planning for percutaneous nephrolithotomy. The study finds that VR enhances understanding of renal anatomy, leading to altered calyx choice for access in 30% of VR cases. This research demonstrates the potential of VR technology to improve surgical...

Medullary Sponge Kidney vs. Idiopathic Urolithiasis: Stone Growth Detection "Presentation" - Mariah Hernandez

At the World Congress of Endourology and Uro-Technology, Mariah Hernandez presents a study examining the accuracy of CT reports in assessing stone burden stability in patients with medullary sponge kidney (MSK) and idiopathic urolithiasis. The research uses 3D Slicer software to measure volumetric stone burdens in 70 patients with reportedly stable CT scans. She concludes that volumetric assessmen...

Predicting Ureteral Stone Passage: Size vs. Ureteral Wall Thickness "Presentation" - Seyedamirvala Saadat

At the World Congress of Endourology and Uro-Technology, Seyedamirvala Saadat presents a study examining factors predicting spontaneous ureteral stone passage. The research, involving 199 patients with acute renal colic, assesses various stone characteristics and ureteral wall thickness using non-contrast CT scans. Initial univariate analysis shows that longer, wider, and denser stones surrounded...

Robotic Mini-PCNL and Ureteroscopy: Advancing Kidney Stone Treatment "Presentation" - Jaime Landman

At the World Congress of Endourology and Uro-Technology, Jaime Landman presents the initial clinical experience with a combined robotic mini-percutaneous nephrolithotomy and ureteroscopic lithotripsy platform. The study demonstrates the procedure on a 49-year-old female with large kidney stones. Dr. Landman describes the Monarch Robotic Platform, which includes three robotic arms and a compact fie...

Ureteral Stricture Risk After Ureteroscopy: The PULS Score "Presentation" - Amir Lavasani

At the World Congress of Endourology and Uro-Technology, Amir Lavasani presents a study on ureteral stricture formation following ureteroscopy, analyzing 550 cases from 2018 to 2022. The research examines the relationship between stricture formation and injury severity using the Post-Ureteroscopic Lesion Scale (PULS). The study concludes that stricture rates significantly increase with partial or...

Air Force 1: Innovative Cost-Effective Ureteroscopic Force Sensor "Presentation" - Bruce Gao

At the World Congress of Endourology and Uro-Technology, Bruce Gao presents the development and evaluation of a cost-effective force sensor for ureteroscopic applications called the Air Force 1. This device uses readily available materials to measure insertion forces during ureteral access sheath placement, aiming to prevent high-grade ureteral injuries. Dr. Gao concludes that this inexpensive met...

Study Highlights Lubricity Differences Among Urological Catheters: Implications for Clinical Practice "Presentation" - Bruce Gao

At the World Congress of Endourology and Uro-Technology, Bruce Gao presents a study characterizing the lubricity of various urological catheters using a tribometer and a novel urethral tissue holder. The research tests 12 14 French catheters against porcine urethral segments, measuring the coefficient of friction to determine lubricity. Dr. Gao highlights that the Cook Medical Flexor Ureteral Acce...

Durvalumab Plus Guadecitabine in Metastatic Kidney Cancer: Phase 1/2 Trial Results - Yousef Zakharia

Pedro Barata interviews Yousef Zakharia about a phase 1/2 trial combining durvalumab and guadecitabine in metastatic kidney cancer. The study, conducted through the Big Ten Cancer Consortium, explores the potential synergy between hypomethylating agents and checkpoint inhibitors. Dr. Zakharia discusses the trial design, results, and biomarker findings. While the primary endpoint of objective respo...