To discuss the overall and latest observations of the effect of diet, lifestyle, supplements, and some prescription heart healthy medications for prostate cancer prevention.
The concept of maximizing heart health to prevent aggressive prostate cancer continues to be solidified with the addition of more prospective observational and randomized controlled trial data. Heart healthy is prostate healthy, and heart unhealthy is prostate unhealthy. The primary goal of reducing the risk of all-cause and cardiovascular disease (CVD) morbidity and mortality also coincides with maximizing prostate cancer prevention. The obesity epidemic in children and adults along with recent diverse research has only strengthened the nexus between heart and prostate health. Greater dietary adherence toward a variety of healthy foods is associated with a graded improved probability of CVD and potentially aggressive cancer risk reduction. Preventing prostate cancer via dietary supplements should encourage a "first do no harm," or less is more approach until future evidence can reverse the concerning trend that more supplementation has resulted in either no impact or an increased risk of prostate cancer. Supplements to reduce side effects of some cancer treatments appear to have more encouraging data. A discussion of quality (QC) before utilizing any pill also requires attention. Medications or interventions that potentially improve heart health including statins, aspirin, and metformin (S.A.M.), specific beta-blocker medications, and even preventive vaccines are in general generic, low-cost, "natural," and should continue to garner research interest. A watershed moment in medical education has arrived where the past perception of a diverse number of trees seemingly separated by vast distances, in reality, now appear to exist within the same forest.
Current urology reports. 2020 Mar 18*** epublish ***
Mark A Moyad
Department of Urology, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. .